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Well if there was something Stephen Mulhern was afraid of other than needles was clowns.There stupid painted faces with stupid grins and stuff,they were horrifying,Well in Stephen's opinion.

His hatred for clowns all started when he was seven when he was forced to go to the circus.Well it was fine at first but then he got lost and couldn't find his parents and that's when his life changed.

Out of no where a clown appeared in front of him scaring the living daylights out of him and what's worse is that the clown just laughed and in a really creepy way.He of course ran away and refused to ever go near clowns again.

Well no one knew of this fear,not even Ant and Dec who seemed to know everything about him.

But as fate would have it his secret was going to be uncovered at BGT on live TV.It all started with him being late to his side of the stage and not actually seeing who was on the other side where Ant and Dec were,so obviously he hadn't seen the vibrate costume or painted face of his fear.

Though he did when he heard his name being yelled from the other side the voice belonging to Ant.At first he saw Ant and Dec and then the reason his heart skipped a beat.Right beside Dec was a face painted creepy ass clown that was wearing the vibrant costume and a stupid little flower on his shirt that no doubt squirts water.

At this point he could hear his heart beating,hands sweating and breathing becoming worse.His face turned pale when he noticed the clown was walking toward him and he didn't have time to run away.

His breathing completely stopped when the clown stopped right in front of him and grabbed his hand,dragging him in front of the cameras.

"So now that I have my volunteer I can start the trick."The clown went on but Stephen wasn't listening,his ear felt like cotton and was basically paralyzed with fear.

From the side Ant and Dec were watching with interest and amusement as they watched Stephen get pulled from his side and now on to the middle of the stage.They were a bit worried when Stephen looked like he was struggling to breathe.

"Is he okay."Dec whispered to Ant who looked concerned as they watched the clown start to circle there friend,which by the way looked shaken to his core.

"I don't know.Is he afraid of clowns or something?"Ant said back debating whether or not if they should bail Stephen out of the act and replace him.

"I don't know Ant but he looked really bad."He did look terrible,he was pale and slightly shaking his breathing even looked uneven from where the two were standing.

Thankfully in the middle of act Simon got tired of watching the clown do his act and pressed his buzzer that then Amanda hit her's and then Alesha.Was David's hit,no he was enjoying watching Stephen squirm.

The clown paraded around the horrified presenter not realizing what he was doing,so when the clown got right in his face Stephen screamed.

And it wasn't just a scream it was a 'someone help me' scream.He backed away and tripped  over his own feet.The audience was laughing,the clown was laughing ,David was laughing and poor Stephen was petrified.

He was in his own world and didn't realize when Ant and Dec ran over to him.

"Stevie hey you need to breathe."Ant tried to coax him to breathe but with the clown looming over Dec's shoulder and Ant seemed to get what Stephen was worked up about when he followed his eye sight.

"Can you please go away.Like now."Ant yelled at the guy who seemed to have a brain and left."Stephen come on."Dec said trying to pull the hyperventilating man up.They needed to get him somewhere where quite.

Stephen didn't realize that the boys led him to a closet nor did he realize he was now on the ground.

"Stephen focus on me okay,breathe."Dec tried to get the younger man to listen to him but Stephen wasn't having it.He was petrified of the clown,embarrassed that this happened on live TV.

Ant grabbed hold of Stephen and hugged him tightly,Dec doing the same on the other side.That eventually calmed him down enough to where he was breathing properly.

"Stevie are you okay."Ant asked quietly trying not to work the younger one up again.Stephen though for a moment before nodding."M'think so."He whispered.

"Are you afraid of clowns Stephen."Dec asked.

Stephen nodded embarrassed at his stupid fear."That's okay."

"No it isn't,it's embarrassing."

"It's nothing to be embarrassed about."Ant told him."Yes it is."

"No it isn't.In fact you know what i'm afraid of spiders."Ant admitted."And i'm scared of snakes."Dec also admitted.

"Okay but that's nothing embarrassing but being afraid of clowns is."

"Stevie there is nothing to be embarrassed about.Besides clowns are weird and creepy."Ant told Stephen.

"Yeah and you know what it's a good thing that we know you're afraid of clowns so now we don't have to go to the circus next week."Dec chuckled lightning the mood.

"Thanks."Stephen said gesturing around him indicating everything."It's no problem Stephen were here for you."

"Yeah and now we know to stay clear of clowns when you around okay."


"So do you want to get lunch."Dec asked."Sure but I want Mcdonalds."Stephen declared.

"You know that's where Ronald Mcdonalds lives."Ant teased while Stephen rolled his eyes.

"So have anymore fears Stephen."

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