Icy swim

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"He knows better"


"No he knows better Ant,i swear i will kill him and then David"

Ant watched as his friend of so many years pace back in fourth in the hallway.See they were trying to find Stephen and David cause Alesha had come and told them that Stephen went somewhere with David.

And if anyone knows that going somewhere with David is just something you shouldn't do. Especially if you're Stephen,well anyway they had been calling and calling Stephen but he wasn't answering.

So that was a bad sign and it was stressing the boys out,well mostly Dec.They also tried to call David but he must have turned his phone off or something since it would go straight to voice mail.

About five minutes later with Dec about to call the cops and Ant having to stop him from doing so David walked in.

And you bet Dec was all over his ass.

"Where is he"



David had to push the small man away and brushed his suit jacket off and looked at the boys with his usual cocky smile,which Ant and Dec wanted to knock right off his face.

"Relax boys i didn't kill him f that is what you want to here"

"WELL WHERE IS HE"Dec once again yelled.

"Christ Dec calm down and stop yelling,David where the hell is Stephen."Ant asked some what calm but he very much wanted to murder the taller and older man.

"Why should i tell you"David said smirking.

"Because if you don't i will kill you,Yes DAVID KILL YOU"Ant once again had to pull Dec away from David.

"Oh calm yourself boys he is somewhat fine"

"Somewhat David"

"He just went for a little refresher"

"What does that mean"Ant asked annoyed 

"Boys he went for a swim and is fine"David spoke as it was nothing but Ant and Dec glared at him.

"He went for a swim David what does that mean?"

"It means what i said,now if you will let me go i have to talk to my dear Simon."

Ant grabbed David by his arm when the older man tried to move past them.

"Ahh Ant not so hard i bruise easily"David complained jerking his arm back and cradling it.Dec rolled his eyes and made David look at him.

"David you say he went for a swim,yes"

"Yes Declan i said that"

"Where did he go swimming David"

"Uh in a lake"

David said that like it was nothing but Dec looked ready to kill and so did Ant but not as much as Dec wanted to.



"It is below freezing out"Ant drawled out making it clear to David.



Dec screamed at David whose eyes went wide when the younger man launched himself at him."Dec stop your making a scene"

Ant's pleas went ignored as he tried to get Dec to calm down.

"Let me at him Ant i'm GONNA KILL HIM"Dec screamed,Ant did not let him go but looked at David.

"Where did you take him"He asked calmly even though he should let Dec have a go at him."You know where we went for that picnic"

"I swear to god David if your lying your dead"Dec seethed and when he was walking past David he stomped on his foot.

And when David started to complain Ant shot him a very hard glare.


When the boys made it to the park they started to look around for their friend who was either there or wasn't but nothing to less Ant saw their long legged friend shivering like no tomorrow.    

"Dec over here"Ant yelled running to his friend who had yet to see that the two were there."Stephen are you okay"Dec asked pulling his coat off of himself and put it on Stephen.Ant had also taken his off trying to warm the younger man up.

"Stephen hey you their"Ant tried and when Stephen did look up finally,he looked horrible.

"I hate David"Stephen moaned a little bringing the coats closer to him trying to warm up."Stephen i hope you know i wasn't kidding about the leash and putting you on one."

"Dec can we do this later i am freaking freezing"He honestly was and he really couldn't feel his limbs.

"Of course,though we should go to the hospital you might have hypothermia"Ant said trying to pull Stephen up.

"I don't wanna"He cried out like a kid.

"You'll be fine Stephen let's go."

Stephen Mulhern one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now