Juggling Accident

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"Stephen your a bloody idiot you know that right"Dec told him from where he was sitting,Stephen moaned in response as the doctor finished stitching his hand up.

Now your probably wondering why Stephen had to get his hand stitched well he is an absolute idiot that's why.


"Okay i bet you can't juggle"David said and truth be told Stephen wasn't really good at juggling but he wasn't one to back down from a challenge"I bet i can"knowing he just made a deal with the devil aka David Walliams "Okay how about this if you can juggle anything i say then i will anything you want for a whole month"he said but wasn't finished"And if you can't then you have to move in with me"David finished with a evil smirk.

"Fine it's a deal"Stephen said but Ant who was watching them from the couch but in"No Stephen this is a bad idea who knows what he make you juggle i mean can you even do that"the answer was absolutely a no but Ant didn't need to know that"Yes i do and it can't be that bad"Stephen said but Ant didn't look convinced.

David returned with a smirk on his face "Okay Stevie remember the deal"He asked and Stephen nodded"Okay so here is what you will be juggling"He pulled a knife out of the box that he was carrying "Absolutely not are you insane he could hurt himself"Ant argued but David ignored the small man.

Stephen looked at the knife knowing Ant was right he usually was right,he couldn't do this but he was really stubborn"Let's do it"he said.Ant turned to him and looked at him like he grew two heads"Stephen have you gone mad"Ant asked"It won't be bad i'll be fine Ant"He tried to reassure is smaller friend but it didn't work i mean the dude did have a little vain pop up on his forehead because he was mad at Stephen for even doing this and mad at David for wanting to do this.

"Fine you get hurt don't complain to me"Ant sad throwing his hands up and went to sit on the couch debating whether or not to call a medic just in case.He watch David hand Stephen the sharp knifes then backed away "Okay go"David said

Stephen threw the first one then the second and the third and surprisingly he was doing well until the door opened making Stephen lose focus and a knife hit his left hand"OWW"He screamed as the knifes hit the floor"Stevie"Ant yelled running over to his friend who was nursing his bloody hand."Let me see let me see"Ant said to him gently taking Stephens hand,he felt David come beside him to see the damage as well"Is it okay"David asked"I don't know get a medic would you"Ant said rather angry he knew this was a bad idea and now his friend was hurt.

"Stevie does it hurt"Stephen nodded trying to hold back the unshed tears.Ant inspected the wound it was a 2 inches long and deep meaning he would need stitches.Dec just had to pick of all days to help his mam move some of her stuff because if he was here then Stephen wouldn't be needing to get stitches he would have put his foot down and not let this happen.

David soon returned with a medic who started to assist Stephen,making sure his vitals were fine which in Ant opinion didn't see why that had anything to do with his hand that's still bleeding get blood everywhere.Simon will be very mad about that but to be fair it was Davids fault.

"Is he going to be okay"David asked feeling rather guilty as he should,the medic looked up and nodded his head"Yeah but he'll need stitches thought it's a bad gash"the boys nodded then looked at Stephen who had his eyes squeezed shut so Ant crouched down beside him tuning his hand threw his hair to calm him.

The medic seemed to be done when he stood "Okay you should take him to the hospital to get his hand fixed but other than that he should be fine have a good day"The boys bid their thanks and looked at Stephen"Okay let's get you up"David said grabbing Stephens one arm and Ant taking the other they pulled him up.

"I'll take him to the hospital okay"Ant told David who nodded"Okay i'll tell Simon and Stephen i'm sorry i didn't mean for this to happen"David said giving Stephen a squeeze on his shoulder.

"Okay let's go"Ant said pulling Stephen behind him who looked rather pale but the shorter man knew it was because of the hospital. You see Stephen hates them they smell weird and there are needles and he hates them.

On the way over he decided he should tell Dec he did have the right to know even though he might kill both Stephen and David for being idiots and Ant wouldn't blame him if he did hell he wanted to smack Stephen in to the middle of next week and lock David in a closet like he did to Ant and Dec a while ago.


Letting you know that i'm taking 
Stephen to the hospital 


Why? did something happen
is he okay?


Oh he will be after some stitches 


What happened


David happened,he bet
Stephen he couldn't juggle
And of course being the stubborn 
person he is said he could


Okay makes sense David was involved 
But why does he need stitches 


Because it was knifes


Are you kidding me 


Nope he did well at first then lost focus
and a knife went into his hand so
he needs stitches


When i get my hands on them i'm going to 
hurt them both,i'll meet you at the hospital


Okay see you their 

Ant turned to see Stephen whose face was still pale and hand that was still bleeding "You okay Stevie"Stephen turned to look at him"Not really"He mumbled,Ant put his left hand on Stephens leg to reassure him but it didn't work "Your going to be fine pet i promise"Ant said to him while he pulled the car in the parking lot of the hospital.

"Common let's get in and out Dec should be here soon okay"Stephen nodded and got out a little dizzy but ant wrapped an arm around him to steady him"Okay"and Stephen nodded.It was a little while before they were called back "Okay were going to numb your hand"the doctor said.He could see Stephen uneasiness so he held the uninjured hand while they numbed the other,Ant did have to hold him in the end so he wouldn't move so much and whispered"It's okay"and"Your fine"in his ear.

Pretty much after he had his hand numbed he didn't remember anything so he didn't remember Dec coming in or the doctor stitching his hand.


"Do i have to live with David still"Stephen asked,Dec looked at Ant who sighed"No you don't but David will be doing anything you want you did win the bet"Ant told Stephen who looked confused"I did"He asked"Yeah you did but we'll talk about this later let's get you home and in bed okay"Stephen nodded and let the boys lead him out though he did well he thinks heard Dec say something about"killing David"but he couldn't be sure.

I might not post tomorrow i have a biology test i have to study for even though i might fail so yeah have a good night :)))))

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