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My leg freaking hurts!! and it's my dope of a twins fault!! btw this will probably be the only thing i post for a while since keystones are in 2 weeks and classes are slamming hard stuff to do but as soon as they are over i'm finally free until next year when i have to retake them:)

Stephen was in his car and driving home,yes he was actually driving such a site to see.He hasn't been allowed to drive since he had a seizure and had to wait SIX MONTHS(This is very true)to drive again.

He glanced at his watch and smiled.It had been a great day and he was allowed to leave early while the others had to stay.He planned on making the most of his time not doing anything in particular.

Just as he was about to think about what he should actually do tonight his phone went off,he pulled over to see who it was.


"Stevie,hey any chance your still here?"Ant's voice came from the other end and Stephen smiled a little.

"Ah,I'm on my way home sorry,i can go back if you want.What do you need?"Stephen asked already ready to pull back on the road.

"Ah,no it's okay i just wanted to know if your okay with driving home"Stephen smiled when he heard his friends concern.

"Ant i am okay i promise"He really was okay,those two boys needs to stop coddling him.

"If your sure,have a good night Stevie and call if you need anything"

"I will,night."

Stephen hung up and pulled back on to the road.He was okay and still in a good mood.That was until a car behind him was riding him.Then it  started to swerve and try to take the lead.Stephen frowned and saw the guy was going over the speed limit to go in front of him,Stephen after all wasn't going slow he was in fact going a tad bit over the limit.

Stephen ignored it ,but suddenly the driver in the SUV hit the gas and flew right beside him.Another driver was coming down the road and the SUV slammed right into Stephen.He yelped and yanked the wheel to the side.He missed the larger car but sadly lost control and collide in a wall.But the car kept going and even though he was hurt he still tried to get control but the car ended up flipping.

He grabbed the handles of the roof and closed his eyes as he span,"Is this how i'm going to die"He thought before the car flipped one more time and something metal hit him and then everything went black.


Ant was talking with Dec about the one act they had just witnessed.

"It was so cool,i bet Stevie would have liked that if he was here"

"Of course he would it involved magic"

They were laughing when Ant's phone started to ring.


"Hello,is this Ant Mcpartlin"

"Yes,who's this"

"This is St George's Hospital"Ant frowned and put the phone closer to his ear.

"Can you comfort your one of the emergency contact for Stephen Mulhern"

"Uh,yes i am what is wrong?"Ant asked worriedly and Dec saw that and came close to the slightly taller man.

"I think you should come in sir"Ant had a worried look on his face when the hospital hung up and was all but running with Dec down the hall. 


Ant was in the passengers seat texting Simon why they were leaving and the older man was okay with that and told them to tell him the news.

"He's okay"Dec kept repeating to himself just to believe that nothing is wrong.He literally just got his license back after they were suspended,And all Ant could think about that he had another and got in an accident.

They soon get to the hospital both rushing in and looking for someone to help.When they got their info they went to the ER part and was told to wait.

That didn't help but they didn't need to be kicked out.


Stephen opened his eyes and looked around.He was in bandages and a gown.He wasn't in pain,but he could tell he was hurt badly.

He wondered if the boys were here or if they were even told but they should have been called.He laid there for a moment when he started to remember.

He remembers the crash,the sirens,the blood and metal.He didn't even realize he was crying when he felt someone wipe his face and it wasn't the boys it was a lady in blue scrubs,with blond hair.

"Shh it's okay you're safe now"She whispered trying to calm him but that wasn't working."Do remember,you were in an accident but you're gonna be fine."

"Your friends are in the waiting room,i can go get them for you"She said kindly and Stephen nodded wanting to see them really badly.Once she left,he breathed out in relief.He wasn't dead so that was good,but he knows one thing for certain he won't be allowed to drive again.

The door to his room opened and both boys all but struggled to fit in the door to see him first,Ant ended up pushing Dec to the ground and going over him just to get beside the bed.

"Stevie your okay"He smiled and Dec came up on the other side"Why must you give us heart attacks all the time"Dec asked the younger man and Stephen laughed a little"Wasn't my fault"He deafened himself"No it wasn't and the person that caused this was arrested"That was good,didn't need anymore dangerous drivers on the road.

"Oh by the way you wont be driving for a while"Ant said

Stephen groaned and started to throw his usual fit.

Stephen Mulhern one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now