Blast from the past 2

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Ugggg I forgot my Ao3 login

He waited and waited for the monster to come. He'd look over his shoulder to see if people are watching him or following him.

He'd be careful when he goes out, sometimes he'd even invite David to come along with him.

Ant and Dec did start to get worried again when Stephen would come in with bags under his eyes, even though he'd be sent home to get rest by Simon.

If their was one thing about Stephen was that he is dead ass worried his father will come in and smuggle him like he did when Stephen was twelve.

He even put up cameras, not wanting his place to be broken into and then caught off guard. So his father was freaking him out and he was dead ass tired.

So on this particular day he fell asleep and was sent home again, the boys said they'd come by later to check up on him.

As he came home he didn't notice anything different, the door was locked so he felt a tad bit better when entering and right when that door closed he was grabbed.

Stephen tried to fight the tight grasp but the arm around his neck wasn't letting up, soon he started to gasp for air and he then realized who it was.

The familiar smell told him"I thought I told you you need to learn ti fight, this is pathetic" the voice sneered in his ear.

"Let me go" he pleaded but the arm only tightened and soon he was on the ground getting his side kicked in.

"YOU THINK YOU CAN GET AWAY WITH NO PUNISHMENT" the monster yelled, Stephen all but cowered and curled himself in a protective ball.

The kicking didn't stop until Stephen was dragged up and pushed over the couch.

"Cmon big boy fight back" and he tried, Stephen really did try but he would alway pushed back down with a hard punch.

" All I wanted was a son who wasn't a freak like you" a punch ti the face and a kick to the side"i wanted a family that wasn't stupid, but your a freak and your mother was no good" the monster crossed the line, bringing his mom into this made him mad

So with the little strength he had, he got up and grabbed the lamp that was in the table and threw it at the nightmare."DONT BRING MOM IN THIS" Stephen yelled.

His father sadly missed the lamp and got right into Stephen's face.


Stephen flinched when a hand touched his face" then again I wouldn't be able to do this" Stephen's body went back when his father punched him.

He wouldn't stop hitting him until Stephen was on the ground. "Beg"


"Beg I want you to beg"his father was now crouched in front of his face, smirking

"Nno" he stuttered out, his fathers face turned red and red and before Stephen knew it he was slapped so hard his teeth moved.

" I'm going to kill you, you little shit" his father said in a deadly tone.

Stephen tried to crawl away, he had to because his father wasn't lying when he said he is going to kill him.

He needed to escape, get help be a used right now he wanted his friends, he wanted them to come over but glancing at the clock they wouldn't be over for another four or so hours and that would all his father needs to kill him.

"Come here" Stephen didn't go, his father walked towards him and ripped him up and over the table he went.

" your gonna wish you were never born boy" he already did though.

Punch and a kick there and sometimes a slap but before anyone knew it his father was pushed off him and was getting punched really hard by non other than Dec himself.

"WANT TO DO THAT AGAIN" Dec yelled, Stephen wondered if this was real of not but he was glad Dec was here and so was Ant who was over him talking in the phone, with who he didn't know

"Hey Stevie your okay, help is coming just stay with me"Ant said worriedly and he kept tapping Stephen's face to keep him awake while Dec was basically killing his father.

"Dec stop your gonna kill him"

" Who cares he was killing Stephen" When Stephen looked to his side he saw his father with a very mangled face.

Sirens could be heard but Stephen downed them out and closed his eyes, he vegualry remuneration hearing Ant yelling at him to stay awake but he wanted to sleep so he did.


He started to regain consciousness when he felt someone stroking his face,which didn't hurt he must be on the good stuff.He didn't feel really any pain so that was good and he hoped his father was in jail cause he couldn't stand being alone if he wasn't.

" I think he is waking up Dec"Ant said and stopped rubbing his cheek.

"Stephen can you here me?"Dec asked getting into his line of vision.Stephen nodded,they were blurry but he knew it was them.

"Stephen that monster is in jail okay so your safe now"Dec said clearly and Stephen smiled before falling back into his mini coma.

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