Group chat with idiots and stabbed

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Yall am i the only one who gets fries at a Chinese place?cuz i might just be the only one

Decthedeck:How did it go?

Steviethemagican: HORRIBLE!

TallDavey:Oh shut up it's your fault 

Steviethemagican:NO it WASN'T!

Decthedeck:What happened?

Steviethemagican:Oh i will tell you

TallDavey:Do Not!

Amandy:What's going on


TallDavey:Nothing Stephen is being a baby like usual

Steviethemagican:Oh screw you

AnttheAnt:Hey watch it,what the hell is wrong with the two of you?

Decthedeck:Yeah Stephen what is wrong

TallDavey:Nothing but him being a baby

Dixionic:David stop it

AnttheAnt:Stevie what happened

Steviethemagican:He got me stabbed!!

Decthedeck:WHAT,WTF HAPPENED!!!!!!!!

TallDavey:Nothing it was HIS fault

AnttheAnt:Tell me you got it looked at and how did it happen

Steviethemagican: Yes,and he pushed me in front of the person who was attempting mugging us

Amandy:Really David,Are you okay??

Steviethemagican: I will be thank you

TallDavey:I said i was sorry

Decthedeck:what after he was stabbed or before

TallDavey:After it was a rash decision besides he is fine

Steviethemagican: Oh screw you jerk

TallDavey:now that is just rude,i said i was sorry and i am 

Steviethemagican:Are you though?i am the one laying in bed with a stab wound

TallDavey: I am,next time you can push me in front of the mugger okay 

Steviethemagican:There will NO NEXT TIME

TallDavey:Really don't trust me how rude

AnttheAnt:David hush you got him stabbed,Stevie me and Dec are coming over to see if your really okay,ok

Steviethemagican:Okay thank you

Decthedeck:It's no problem

Steviethemagican:David is though

TallDavey:You are

Steviethemagican: i am not,you bean stock

Dixionic:oof you got called a giant 

TallDavey:You are literally two or inches short than me

Steviethemagican: Yeah and your a giant 

TallDavey: You know your rude i am no longer sending a get well soon fruit basket

Steviethemagican: Good cuz i don't want one especially from you!


Steviethemagican: Whatever

Amandy:You two have issues and Stephen i'm glad your okay

Steviethemagican: thank's Amanda

Amandy: No problem call me if you need anything okay 

Steviethemagican: i will thank you 

AntheAnt:Stevie me and Dec are leaving to come to see you soon k


TallDavey:And then there was three

Dixionic"Two,Stephen hope you get better soon and David stay away from him you cause too much trouble 

TallDavey: I do not

Steviethemagican: Yes you do

TallDavey:i am rather sorry for pushing you in front of me Stephen 

Steviethemagican: Sure you are

TallDavey: I really am let me make it up for you

Steviethemagican: You won't leave me alone till i say yes will you

TallDavey: You know it 

Steviethemagican: Fine,but if you do something stupid so help me 

TallDavey:I won't i swear

Steviethemagican:fine but not now or this week 

TallDavey:Okay thank you laters

Steviethemagican: Later

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