Your not mad

18 1 0

Yk I think I'ma just write some sad stuff for a while,Sh in this

Stevie pov

I sat on the bathroom floor crying while taking the piece of metal across my skin.The floor was covered in my blood but I didn't care,I was about to take the blade to my other thigh when I heard the front door open and close.

"Stevie,it's me Ant I brought some food."Ant yelled from what I am assuming my kitchen.

I quickly got up and locked the door to the bathroom so he wouldn't come in."Give me a minute,i'm in the bathroom."

"Okay,hurry."He yelled back while grabbing dishes.

I quickly hid my blade in the cabinet then started to clean the floor quickly.As I wiped the last bit of blood up Ant knocked on the door.

"Hey you okay in there? you been in there for a while Stephen."He said.

"Oh yeah,I'm fine."I said and mentally scolded myself for letting my voice crack.

"Stephen.You're not okay and I can hear it.Whats wrong.?"Ant prodded and I said nothing not trusting myself.

I heard him walk away and I let out a breath of relief but then I felt the oxygen in my lungs leave the second the doors lock click and the door open slowly.I watched him open the door and watched how his mouth fell open in shock.

"Don't move."He said sternly before walking away.Meanwhile I left the tears fall that were stuck in my eyes.He was mad and most definitely angry at me I knew it,I hate t when people are mad at me.

Ant came back in with the first aid kit from the kitchen in his hand and crouched In front of me.

"Ant,please i'm so sor-"I tried to say but he cut me off.

"Don't say your sorry Stephen."He told me while gently cleaning the cuts."You're mad at me."

Ant froze before looking me with his concerned teary eyes."I am not mad Stephen.I would never be mad at you for this okay.What I am is sad that you feel like you have to do this but mad no!.Jeez Stevie why didn't you say something that you felt like this,you could have come to me or Dec and would never judge you.We care about you."

"Can I clean these now."He asked me gently.

I nodded before I wiped my eyes.

He took a wipe and wiped over the cuts,I winched and he grabbed my hand squeezing it reassuring.

"Hey you're okay,i'm nearly done I know it hurts but it is almost over."He gently said and I nodded watching him finish cleaning the cuts and getting bandages.

When he was done he grabbed my hand and pulled me up with him,grabbed my chin so I was looking into his eyes."Stephen can you please give me what you used."

I shook my head not wanting to give away the one thing that made me feel better.He grabbed my chin again.

"Stevie I know you don't wanna give it but you have to okay.There are better ways to dealing  with this stuff and I will help you and so will Dec if you want him to,I want to make sure your safe even if it is from yourself okay."

"It's in the cabinet."I softly said an pointed to it.

I watched Ant grab it and put it in his trousers before grabbing my hand leading us into the kitchen.Though before I sat down in a chair he grabbed me and pulled me into a tight bear hug.

"Don't do this again Stevie please."He pleaded and I didn't know if I could promise him that.

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