stupid parents

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Ant and Dec were very worried about there younger friend,Stephen.See he had been acting really weird within the past couple of days.

He was avoiding them,not answering there calls or texts and now he wasn't showing up to work.His behavior was even warranting Simon to ask if he was okay and of course Dec or Ant didn't know what o say to there boss.

Thankfully Simon told them to take the rest of the day off and go and see if the magician was really okay,so they did just that.

After finally getting Stephen to tell them where he lives(they practically had to beg Stephen just to tell them)they started there way to his house.What did surprise them that he didn't live where they pictured him to live.

Both thought he would have lived in an apartment considering it was just him but nope he has his own house and it wasn't small either.There only concern was that it was only him in such a big house.

Ant very much considered buying him a dog but then again Stephen didn't really like them and on another contrary it consisted of him having to take care of it and he couldn't really take care of himself so that was a bad idea.

But Ant and Dec did make there personal mission to come by ever so often when they don't see each other at work or something just to make sure he is fine and actually sleeping and eating.Who knew the amount of caffeine he consumes can make one forget to do the basic needs of living.Neither men wanted to relive the ER trip again at 2 something in the morning with a very out of it Stephen Mulhern.

So they make the time they have to make sure he is fine like they are doing right now.Plus this a very warranted trip considering he wasn't answering there calls and stuff but he wasn't answering Simon so that was a tad concerning.

When they finally pulled down the street to where Stephen's house was and to the familiar white and grey house with a couple of flowers planted Ant pulled in the drive way.

"Okay let's see what were dealing with."Dec said getting out of the car and making his way up the path with Ant hot on his heels.Well when they got closer to the door both saw the piles of mail that was piled up.Sharing a look with each other Dec reached down and grabbed the mail and Ant grabbing the extra key in the fake rock."Dec.""Yeah?""I don't think Stephen is okay."Ant said quietly putting the key in lock and twisting it."Same but we're here now."

Ant led the way into the dark cold house and up the stairs.Kinda figured he wasn't down stairs they made their way to his room where it was equally dark.Dec shared a look with Ant before pushing the door open.

The room was dark and cold but there was the noticeable lump of Stephen hiding under the pile of blankets.

Slowly the older men walked to the bed,Ant who was on the right side gently touched the pile of blankets.Well the blankets let out a groan that sounded very tired and similar to Stephen's voice so it was him.

"Hey Stevie it's Ant and Dec."Ant whispered slowly pulling the blanket away from Stephen's head.

Stephen groaned again and tried to reach for his blanket to cover himself again but Dec stopped him."Hey are you okay."Clearly that was a stupid question but Dec didn't really know what to ask.

"Why are you here."Stephen asked turning himself onto his stomach and pulling his pillow over his head,planning on ignoring the two.

"We're here cause your worrying us.Stephen you literally haven't been answering your phone and not showing up for work,you even started to worry Simon.So were to see if your fine and clearly your not."Dec stated.

"Well i'm fine so leave."Stephen said harshly and tightening his grip on his pillow.Ant rolled his eyes and grabbed the pillow from him yanking it from Stephen.

"HEY GIVE IT BACK."Stephen yelled Turing over and getting on his knees to meet Ant's height,trying to get his pillow back but Ant threw it on the floor.

"Why did you do that!"Stephen said pissed."Because you look like you been laying in this bed for day's,so what the hell is wrong.Did something happen? and do not lie."Ant sternly said pointing his finger at Stephen.

Stephen just rolled his eyes and made his move to lay back down but Dec stopped him by gripping his arm.

"Let me go and leave please."Stephen said almost pouting but Dec wasn't letting him go."Were talking."

"Mate why have you been ignoring us.I thought we were friends."Ant sadly said.Stephen looked at him and then to Dec who had the same expression Ant had and he couldn't help but feel guilty.

"I'm sorry I just wanted to be alone."Stephen said quietly,he didn't;t need to burden Ant or Dec with his problems.

Though of course neither older men were going to leave that alone.Something was wrong and they wanted to know what happened.

"Stevie look can  you please tell us if something happened and don't lie because we know something did."

Stephen debated whether or not he should tell them what had happened with parents and him.He figured they would be angry,well at his parents not him but who knows.

After a couple of minutes of Dec and Ant staring at Stephen,he made his decision.

"Look promise me you won't be mad."Stephen told the two who looked at him questionably.

"Okay."Dec said but secretly not making any promises.

Stephen took a deep breath before going into how the conversation with his parents had gone and how they basically called him an disappointment and an abomination and assortment of things.Like he already didn't know he was all these things.

When he finished he watched as his friends faces changed from concerned to angry to sad but then to angry again.

It was dead silent due to Ant and Dec processing what their friend just told them and Stephen who was mentally kicking himself for telling them.

"Are you okay."Dec simply asked.Stephen shrugged looking back down to his bed sheets.His bed weighed down from one side to another and two sets of arms hug him.Stephen wouldn't admit but he secretly enjoyed the hug,it was warm and tight.

"We're so sorry Stevie,they don't deserve you."Ant whispered by his head"Don't listen to them okay.You are nothing of what they said."

Stephen listened to them but there was still a part of him that believed his parents.

"Thank you."Stephen whispered.

"No problem Stevie,were here after all." 

yeah I'm not really good at ending things :/

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