Wasn't Me

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"Who did it"Simon the dictator said with his arms crossed against his chest and giving his best "Your dead"face.

"Wasn't me"David spoke up and Simon glared at him"Sure about that?"

"Yes,it was probably Stephen he usually does things like that"Stephen gaped and rushed to defend himself"No it wasn't me and you are the one that goes around and screws with everyone"

"Lies i am an angel"There was a collective of snorts and laughs when David said that"What i am"yeah a devil in descries.

"Look,I want to make this very clear,this is a place of work,not a playground where you draw inappropriate pictures on the walls"his face grew of great serious "And i know it wasn't the girls so which one of you did it"

"Wow just gonna blame us,it could be one of them how do you know"David said slightly annoyed and knowing damn well he was the one that drew the dick on the wall but wanted to blame Stephen.

"Yeah i am,they are mature unlike some of you"Giving pointed glares at David and Stephen more than the other two boys.

"Wow,it was Stephen i mean really"Stephen glared at the bigger man"It was not me and i have a alibi"David laughed"What is this court"

"Look i just want to know who it was,boys do you have anything to say"Simon turned to look at Dec and Ant.

"Look it was not us,we literally just got here and we don't even know what you are talking about"Which was true they had no regulations of what Simon was talking about.Plus they were not kids unlike two certain people.

"Okay i believe you"David gaped at the older man"Wow just gonna believe them"Simon looked David straight in the eye"Why do you care so much if i believe them which i do because they are mature sometimes and they were right they weren't here"

"So you think it was me,it was NOT it was the child over there"David said pointing at Stephen."Screw you Walliams it was not me i swear"he said

"Yeah right it was you"Stephen threw an apple that was on the table at David who sadly ducked"Hey"David yelled glaring but Stephen could care less.

"Knock it off you two,tell me where you both were?"Now Stephen did sorta have an alibi bit David on the other hand-.

"Okay i was in my dressing room sleeping"Stephen said"Oh please you could just be saying that"David spoke rolling his eyes in the process.

"Okay where were you then mister framey"Stephen accused"I was eating,plus you why were you even sleeping"

"Because i was tired and you were not eating you always eat right before the show making it air late"Which was true David is as bad as Simon is"He's right you know"Dec said helping there brother out.

"Thank you"

"David was it you"Simon asked stepping in front of the taller man"No it wasn't it was Stephen"Simon sighed before stepping back and glared at the two.

"Okay this is ridiculous who did it"Simon asked annoyed,it was really like talking to children.

"I swear it was not me it was David i mean really it's something David would do and plus i don't even know what was drawn on the wall"

"Oh please just because you don't have a dick doesn't mean you can draw one"Simon turned and looked at him,raising one of his eyebrows and smiled a little"What"David asked confused

"I didn't say what was on the wall.So you did that and now your going to paint the wall all over"The other started to laugh at David's face of shock"Okay fine it was me"

"Good to know,now go take the pain and paint the whole wall over"David gaped"The WHOLE wall"Simon nodded"Yes David the whole because it would look weird if one section was painted and be glad i don't dock your pay"

"Oh we would want that he'd might throw a tantrum"Stephen teased and regretted doing that because David's eyes turned dark and started to walk towards him"Better run Stevie"Ant said laughing lightly when David started to run and Stephen fell off the back of the couch trying to escape.

"DAVID STOP"Stephen yelled running down the hall,David not far behind"DAVID"

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