Mission Get Him Back

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Stevie's pov


I'm an officially screwed person

"Stephen WHERE are YOU"Dec said with an irritated voice,which is good so maybe they won't make me come back"Uh on a walk"I said trying to lie"Don't lie where are and why did you leave"Dec asked.I really didn't want to come off rude but i really didn't want to lie

"Well you see i had to go home"hope they understand and how in the world did they found out that i left,"Stevie i thought you liked it here"Ant whispered but i heard and now i feel light shit for making them upset"Because you two are always their and don't get me wrong i like that you care i really do but you need to let me breath"i admitted to them.

It was a long couple of seconds which felt like hours for them to say something"Were sorry you feel that way,we never meant to make you feel like that we are just worried"Dec said solemnly.

"Yeah were sorry and i think we both understand if you don't want to be here,we were just worried about you"Ant said sadly.I like it with them but the coddling is just annoying,but i liked it their and now i feel really guilty you know what i made my mind up i am going back.

"Can one of you pick me up"I whispered wiping the tears away from my eyes"Yeah where are"Dec asked and i told him then i hung up and now i am sitting on the curb rather pathetically.Five minutes later a car pulled up and two figures came bounding out towards me
"Stevie are you okay"Ant asked me looking over me making sure i didn't injure myself again.

"Yeah i'm fine i'm sorry"I said to them but a hand lifted my chin up it was Dec's "Stephen you don't have to be sorry we are sorry for making you leave and we agreed to let you do what you want"Dec spoke to me and i nodded"Thank you"i whispered and before i knew they had me in a hug and it felt nice.

"Okay let's go i'm cold"Ant said making his way to the car,me and Dec followed laughing at Ant's antics.I still felt bad and very tired so i am rather glad i'm going back to Ant's and Dec's their house is warm mine is cold.

Third pov

The boys got settled in the car and made their way back home with a tired Stephen in the back "You better not fall asleep were not carrying you in"Dec joked knowing full well he would carry Stephen in and do anything for the younger man"Shh your loud"Stephen mumbled resting his head against the window"Hey no sleeping you made us come find you"Ant grumbled "No i didn't you did that all your selves"Stephen grumbled making both of the older men laugh"Yeah we did and were glad we did"Ant said smiling.

They pulled up to the driveway and all three got out "Okay time to go to sleep and no sneaking out"Dec said sternly making Stephen laugh a little but stopped when he realized he was seriously"Okay i won't night"Stephen said to them running up to his room with his bag"Okay Stevie let's try to sleep tonight"Stephen muttered to himself throwing his body on the warm,comfortable bed.

It was 3:47 when Ant and Dec heard screaming,they immediately ran to where it was coming from,both men paled when they found out it was coming from Stephen's room.

"Stephen"Dec yelled running into the room with Ant not far behind"Stevie"He said horrified,they were both horrified their friend no their brother was screaming and crying in his nightmare "Stephen wake up"Dec said to him while shaking the man trying to wake him up"Dec i wouldn't do that if i were you"Ant whispered "Why he is having a night-"Dec was cut off by a punch to the face,Stephen had punched him and was still in his nightmare"Dec are you okay"Ant said to his partner that currently had blood running down his face"Yeah i'm fine we need to wake Stephen up"Dec said looking at Stephen who wasn't looking so good"Yeah"Ant agreed

It hurt both boys watching Stephen like this,they knew Stephen already looked like he never sleep but was this cause they thought."We should let him ride it out"Ant quietly said trying to hold back his tears but Dec disagreed"Why he is in pain we need to wake him up"They should wake him up right.

"No he could hurt himself or one of us again so no"Ant said not liking his own idea but it was the better option.They watched Stephen stop screaming and only cry,that was a good sign.

Twenty minutes later Stephen slowly opened his eyes and gasped for air"Oh god"He cried breathy heavy"Stephen are you okay"Dec asked coming to his side.Stephen flinched when Dec touched his arm"Hey it's okay"He said trying to comfort Stephen but it wasn't working he was still gasping"Panic Attack"Ant whispered yelled"Stephen hey look at me"Ant said trying to get Stephen's attention "Stevie"He yelled and that got his attention"W-what why can't-t i b-breath"Stephen gasped "Your having a panic Attack,just follow my fingers and count the"Ant tried and so did Stephen "How many fingers am i holding up"Ant asked "T-three"He stuttered

"Yeah good okay let's count together"Ant said "One,O-one,two,twwo"That went on till ten and Stephen's breathing pattern steadied"Okay are you okay Stephen"Dec asked crouching beside his friend "I think,i'm sorry"He mumbled out"No your fine it's okay"Dec said pulling Stephen in a hug.

"Stephen is that why you're not sleeping at night"Ant asked quietly "Yeah"Dec started to think"Stephen is that why you wanted to leave"and Stephen nodded looking down "Why didn't you say anything"because he was scared.

"Ever since that day everything has been too much and every time i close my eyes every time i try to sleep i am back their on the ground bleeding"Stephen mumbled.The boys looked sad "Why didn't you say anything"Ant whispered and Stephen shrugged "I don't know i didn't wan't to come off as pathetic"He said to them "Your not,you went through a traumatic thing you have every right to be scared"Dec said to the younger man.

"Go back to sleep and everything will be okay i promise"Dec said to the man when he realized Stephen's eyes were dropping"M'kay"when the boys went to leave remembering Stephen said he wanted space,Stephen grabbed Dec's arm "Stay"he mumbled.They smiled a joined him on the bed making a promise not to leave.

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