Nightmare pt.3

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Stephen was horrified this was never supposed to happen again and certainly not get caught by Ant and Dec.He had blood running down his forearm and onto his pants but that didn't matter he looked to the blurry figures that still remained frozen at the door"Gguuyys"he stuttered out.

"Stevie what did you do"that was Ant he was the only one to call him that.He heard footsteps come closer to where he sat on the floor and one of the boys take the scissors from his hand "Stephen we need to get you cleaned up ok"Dec whispered but Stephen didn't want him to touch him after all they were talking about him.

When someone (Dec) touched his arm he recoiled he pushed himself back into the wall and brought his knees to his chest "N-no ggo awaay"he pleaded he didn't want to hear them make fun of him like in his dreams.

Ant looked at Dec horrified they never knew that their friend more like their little brother was doing this "Stephen please were not going to hurt you pet we promise"Dec tried to reason with Stephen but he kept mumbling things to himself they did manage to hear "Worthless" out of his mumbling

"Stevie your not hey common please your bleeding really bad we won't hurt you please"Ant pleaded.He didn't want to see his little brother in this state especially the amount of blood that is on his shirt.

When Ant went to grab hold of his arm Stephen pushed Ant back which made him take a small fall to the floor with a thud "Ant"Dec yelled seeing if his friend was ok but Ant pushed him away looking back at Stephen who was looking at him with eyes that screamed 'scared'
"iim ssoory"Stephen cried afraid that he had hurt Ant "it's okay Stephen i'm okay but your not"Ant tried to tell him but it wasn't working.Ant turned to his friend that was still on his knees beside him"Dec what do we do"Ant whispered"I don't know Ant"

 Stephen was modified that he had done that he knew Ant and Dec were going to start yelling at him and Dec might hit him for hurting Ant his real friend.He sat their holding onto his knees with tears running down his cheeks and not minding the burning on his left arm knowing he deserved it."Stephen please"he heard Dec plead but he couldn't look at them knowing he will see hatred in them.

Ant moved slowly to Stephen "Ant what are you doing"Dec said quietly"Seeing something"he replied so he slowly made his way over to Stephen and placed his hand on his knee watching him flinch"Shh it's okay Stevie i promise i'm not mad pet let me see your arm please love"Ant whispered.

Stephen slowly lifted his head to see Ant's face to see if there was anger but was met with concerned eyes "Yeah that's it pet"Ant widespread"Can i see your arm i'm not mad please i need to see if you need stitches."

Stephen didn't know if he should trust him it might end up with both of them laughing like in his dreams so he shook his head but Ant gently grabbed his face which made him flinch but Ant didn't care because he kept his hand on his chin"Please"Ant said.

Stephen decided to let him look even if they laugh and call him names he would rather them get it over with.He pulled his arm out of the hold he had and Ant gently took it meeting Stephens eyes"It's okay i won't hurt you"Ant said.

Dec walked over to inspect his arm only for Stephen to flinch and move his arm back to himself"Hey it's okay i'm not going to hurt you i promise love"Dec said crouching down beside Ant ."He's right pet were not going to hurt you we would never we just need to know if your arm is okay"Ant said.Stephen didn't believe them but let ant take his arm.

When Ant lifted the sleeve he gasped making Stephen tug his arm back a little but Ant held it in a firm hold"It's okay"Dec mumbled shocked to see what his little brother did to himself.

"I'mm so soorry"Stephen cried and the boys wanted to comfort him but they were stunned.How could they let this happen there was old cuts and recent ones  and some looked infected but none needed stitches thank god for that.Dec was the first to speak"Love why didn't you anything"Stephen flinched a little "It'ss ffine"He mumbled"No it's not fine"Ant grumbled.

"Stephen"Dec said making him look up"You need help"Stephen didn't want to hear that so he shook his head "No lleave me allone"he said taking his arm back and holding it to his chest."No why did you do this"Ant whispered.Stephen looked at him noticing he had tears running down his face and so did Dec and felt responsible for it "Becausse"he said sadly.

"Why love please tell us"Dec cried out"Whhyy doo you guyys tallk aabout me behindd my bbackk"he sobbed out.Both of the boys felt their hearts drop for the tenth time that day "We weren't where did you get that from"Ant stated "I kknow you don't really caree noo one ddosse sso leavee mme allone"Stephen was working himself in such a state making hit harder to breath

"Hey it's okay breath with me"Dec said putting a hand to Stephens chest helping him calm his breathing down.Soon he was breathing normally but still crying so Ant had to ask where he came up with them not caring "Stevie why do think we don't care we love you your our little brother we do care"but Stephen didn't listen so Ant grasped his face to make him look"We care Stephen okay we care so much it hurts to see you like this please"Ant pleaded

Stephen looked him in the eyes he didn't know anything did they care or are they just saying this"Do you really care"He asked and they nodded"A whole hell of a lot"Dec said to him wiping his own tears."I'm sorry"He whispered."It's okay"Ant said pulling him into a hug thought Stephen didn't return it so Ant pulled back"What wrong"

"Whyy were you talking about me"Stephen whispered Ant looked to Dec who shrugged"When did we talk about you"Dec said."Whenn i wass coming to the judgess room"he told them looking down.

"Stephen we weren't"Dec said"Yes you were i heard my name being said"He replied angry that they were lying to him."Stephen look at look at me we were not talking about you David had this new crew member in to introduce why i don't know  and we are so sorry that this happened but please never do this again."Dec firmly said and Stephen nodded"Okay do you trust us"Dec said and once again Stephen nodded but that wasn't good enough"Verbal answer please"

"yes i trust you and i'm sorry"he whispered.Stephen felt a hand on his cheek"it's okay but never do this again come to me or Dec we don't want to lose you love okay your our little brother"Ant said"I'm taller than both of you"Stephen wined which made them laugh"But your younger but we can argue about this later we need you promise you will stop and talk to someone"Ant said

Stephen looked at both of them then at his arms  and nodded"Yes i will get help and stop this i am sorry it was not supposed to happen again"Stephen said."How did this happen again"Dec asked"I had a nightmare"Stephen told them"Do you get them a lot"Ant asked
"Sometimes"he whispered"Okay if you have a bad dream you can talk to us anytime day or night we will be their"Ant said and Dec nodded.After a minute Dec spoke"Okay lets get you cleaned up then your going home and don't even try to say no your going home and were staying with you okay"Stephen nodded but was confused they had the show today.Ant picked up on his confusion "today's bgt was canceled Simon had something to do so were going with you okay pet"Stephen said ok and let them manhandle him so he was standing up.

He almost collapsed but the boys caught him"It's okay we got you"Ant reassured.He was confused once again he thought they were going to the bathroom so they can get his arms cleaned up but they were going to the exit"Were going back to ours Stephen"Dec told him

The boys put him in the back seat of the car and Dec got in the front while Ant got in the back to make sure Stephen was okay.Ant must have seen Stephen's eye's close"You can go to sleep were taking care of you i promise"Stephen nodded feeling a warm hand go through his hair.

The last thing he heard was Ant saying"Go to sleep love we got you"then everything was black

Wow that was a long one well for me my fingers hurt lol.Uh thank you for reading this and liking it not gonna lie i had little hope that people would read this so thank you and i would like ideas on what to write not pressuring or anything just would like to see what people like.

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