Trouble again

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Well it's my birthday and i am still alive which is very shocking and i am still being forced to celebrate today so that is great even though no one told me happy birthday:)

It was really David's fault that they were both now sitting in a jail cell deciding who they are gonna call to come and get them.

Stephen didn't want any part in David's plan because he knew they were gonna get in trouble and well he was right.

See David wanted to jump into the thames river again and wanted Stephen to join him.David's exact words were"If you come with me and jump in i will be your friend and let you in the circle"and of course Stephen said yes.

Though what neither man knew was that it was illegal to do that.David assured it was fine since he had swam in the river and nothing happened.But when they did it they were arrested and now soaking wet sitting in a cell with a very large man.

Of course Stephen was rather close to David not wanting to be near the man with large muscles and David let him.

The cops came back to gather the two to see who they were going to call and Stephen wanted to call Ant since he didn't think he could handle Dec's anger when he found out he was arrested again.

David wanted to call one of  the girls but Stephen said not to since they would snitch.Then  Simon was an option but he would never answer the call since it was about two in the morning.

So now they were now arguing who the hell they were gonna call.David did say multiple times they should just call Ant or Dec since those two would more likely answer.

But Stephen refused because he didn't want to end up dead,he knew they would kill him well Dec would most likely but Ant he would just give him the disappointed eyes which might as well kill him.

David said he was being ridiculous but Stephen wasn't and said they should just call someone else.Though David called the guard and said he wanted his phone call now.

When the guard came Stephen grabbed his arm"Not Ant or Dec"David nodded but even Stephen knew he was gonna call them.


David's pov

Stephen told me not to call them but they were the only two that would come,while this may be my fault i would rather call them so i don't have to spend the night in jail with the giant that i could easily take.

Anyway i got the phone and dialed Ant's number.It rang and rang until the line connected.

"Hello"I said

"David what do you want"Ant's annoyed voice rang through

"Uhh need a favor"

"Can't this wait it is going on three David"was it really that early

"No it can't Stephen might be getting groped right now so i need you-"

"WHAT,What do you mean Stephen might be getting groped right now"Ant questioned

"Well you see me and Stephen might have gotten arrested for something that i did and encouraged"i said quietly  waiting for Ant to yell.

"YOU GOT STEPHEN ARRESTED FOR SOMETHING YOU WANTED TO DO DAVID!"that wasn't Ant it was Dec.I now realized how screwed i was.You should never make Dec angry cause you would most likely die if you do.

"Look i am sorry but can you come and get us"i really hope they come.

"Fine"Ant said but i knew he was angry i could tell.The call ended soon and i headed back to the cell i was as preciously i was stopped by someone at one of the cells and asked if i was i that judge from  BGT and i said no.

Simon would kill me if this ended up on the news.When i got back to the cell Stephen was squished into a corner and the large man was staring at him.

"I'm back"I announced looking at my sometimes friend.He seem relived "Who did you call"i gave him a look and he sighed"I told you not to call them"He said upset.

"I'm sorry Stephen but i didn't know who to call,if it makes you feel better i will tell them i forced you into jumping I am sorry"I said quietly before sitting beside Stephen.

Truthfully i was sorry that i made Stephen jump and i was gonna tell the boys that it was my fault.

As we waited Stephen slowly came closer to me as the man came closer to him,i had enough and just pulled Stephen to my side and glared at the man"Back off or i will sue you understand"

The guy laughed "Yeah you what army"well i could always get Simon to mess with the man,i know he would help.

"You really don't want to know"i said and before the man could answer me and Stephen's saviors came to help.

"Stevie,David"Ant asked watching the interaction between me and the man and of course Stephen who was close to my side.  

"Your free to go"The guard said opening the door and i pushed Stephen up and toward the door first before glaring at the man one more time before i followed the others out.


No one's pov

It was a quiet ride to Davids since neither man knew what to say to the two in the back of the car until David decided it was time to explain.

"Look this wasn't Stephen's fault it was mine"David said.Stephen was kinda shocked that he was actually telling the truth.

"I kinda forced him to jump and come with me and to be fair i thought it was fine but apparently it wasn't and I'm sorry so don't be mad at the weirdo" Well he had to make a remark.

"Thanks David for once in your life taking responsibility"Dec said gripping the steering wheel.When they pulled up to Davids house,David of course got out and was about to walk up to his house when Ant called him.

"Your lucky he wasn't groped or worse"He said the car sped off.David did have to admit he was gonna be nice to the younger man for a tad bit.

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