packing peanuts

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Who in what world would buy 10 very large bags of packing peanuts well stephen would.Well you see someone(david)got him drunk and left him alone so what do drunk people sometimes do well they buy things they don't really need.

Stephen was scrolling lazily through amazon and saw a deal for packing peanuts they were only 67 pounds each plus they had a lot in them so he bought 32 packs of them.

In his druken state he believed it would be a great idea to fill his house with them did money matter not really i mean he did buy a pair of shoes for 245 pounds well he doesn't have them anymore since david threw one of them in the crowed at bgt.

He ended up falling asleep on the floor of his home.Soon it was moring and he was woken up by a knock on the door."Who the bloody hell is that"He grumbled pulling himself up which was stupid vertigo got him almost falling on his arse.The knocking didn't stop"I'm coming stop"he wasn;t in the mood his head was killing him.

When he oped the door a man with a brown outfit on was their holding a clipboard"Are you stephen mulhern"He asked"Yeah who are you"stephen didn't mean to come off harsh but he didn't feel so swell.

"I need you to sign for your packages sir"the man said handing him the clipboard"What packages i didn't order anything"he was so confused right now.The man gave him a irritated look"Look just sign for them i don't have all day"stephen signed the paper and gave the clipboard back to the man "Be right back"the man said going to his truck.

Stephen was wondering what the heck did he order that needed his signature for.The delivery man came back hauling a large box on the cart"Where do you want theses"he asked"these"what did he order"Sir"breaking him out of his thoughts"Oh right in here"Stephen said opening his door for the man to put the box in.

Box after box started to fill up his house big ones to be exact"Have a good day sir"the delivery man huffed out obviously tired "You to thank you"but the last part was cut off as the man got in his truck in a hurry to leave.

Stephen turned around to look at the boxes and sighed "Well stevie let's see what we bought"he struggled getting the box opened but soon got it opened and was rather shocked to see what was in their."Packing peanuts are you kidding me"how much bloody were these things.

He looked on amazon and was shocked to see what he had done"Well fuck me"he cried out what in the world was he thinking last night.He sat down on his couch with a thump he was glad he didn't have work today because if david found how much he spent on these he certainly  bully him for it.

Then as of thin air he remembered what he was going to do with them and it's not a bad idea it will be messy but with the amount he had he could probably fill the living room and maybe his room that would be fun.

Stephen started to empty the boxes in the living room finding out that there was a lot in each bag the end result came just above his knees. Satisfied he dragged up the rest of the bags to his room and filled that up to.  

"Well done stevie"he said to himself and plopped right on the floor letting the foam sink him.A little bit later he heard his phone ringing  the problem was that he couldn't find it.He started to move the foam around even though it was still ringing he couldn't find it.

His phone was under his bed when he found it he was about to call whoever it was back he heard his front door open and his name be called by two people that will most likely laugh 

"Stevie where are you"

"Stephen what is with all of these boxes"he heard dec yell from downstairs.

"Coming"he yelled at them trying to get up and not fall on his arse

He finally got up and went down the stairs and stopped.Ant and dec stood at the entrance of his living room with shocked faces,they must have heard him and turned in his direction dec opened his mouth but closed it again ant came to his senses first "Stevie what did you do"

"Well you see it's davids fault he got me drunk and when i get drunk i buy things"he finished and to be fair it really was davids fault."how much did it cost to do this"dec asked.Heck stephen didn't even know how much it was so he shrugged"Is this stuff any where else"asked ant and stephen nodded.

Ant put out his arm and fell forward letting the packing peanuts engulf him he didn't come back up for a good minute his head popped up and had a big smile"This is fun cmon boys"and ducked back under"Cmon stephen"dec said and jumped in after his best friend.

Stephen had to admit this might not have been a bad idea he jumped in after them."Over here stevie"ant yelled

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