For him it's different

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It's official David is no longer on BGT:(((((((((((

They have always been a family and even David a some point even called everyone out on it and no one objected to it not even Simon so you know it was real.

See Simon was the oldest then David,Amanda,Dec,Ant,Stephen and then Alesha,while she was the youngest Stephen looked way to young for his actual age and when David met him for the first time he asked Stephen where his parents were.That's how you know you look young and being rather skinny and tall didn't really help.

Though after a couple of years what Simon calls them"Coworkers"turned into a family without realizing it,The girls would always make sure the boys were okay especially Stephen since he didn't have anyone to go home to like the others did and a lot of times he would close himself off to all of them and not even Ant or Dec could get him out of his stomp.

So naturally he worried all of them and he could be a big pain in the ass.But even being a big pain they still cared about him and god help you if you Stephen or say anything rude about him around any of the family.

Like this one time there was a bunch of security around the building because someone was stalking Simon like usual and even though he waved it off there was still more security around. Well Stephen was incredibly late for work and at the last minute remembered he forgot his wallet with his ID in.They needed ID to get into the building,the new security had to check to see if it was really you.

So as he rushed up the steps saying hello to the roaring fans that gathered around the entrance he ran right into one of the guards.

"ID"he asked and Stephen shook his head and rushed to explain"Sorry look i'm Stephen Mulhern and i forgot my wallet with it in and i am really late so if you could just more"he said trying to squeeze past the larger guard with big muscles.

The guard pushed him back and he almost fell backwards down the stairs"No ID not entrance so leave before i make you" The guard said leaving no room for argument but of course Stephen was going to put one up because Simon might actually kill him.

"Sir please i am very late and Simon is going to kill me,i am Stephen Mulhern and i work here"The guard didn't move.Stephen looked at the guard like an idiot i mean was he that obvious was the fans yelling his name not enough"Please"he said louder and the guard just glared.

Stephen didn't have time for this so he did that anyone would most likely not do and run past the guard.That was one big mistake because the moment he ran past the guard grabbed the back of his shirt and ripped him back.Before Stephen could say anything a punch was thrown to his face and pain exploded to his right side.

He could hear the fans yelling at the guard to stop but the guard didn't until Stephen was out cold on the ground well he was still awake but just a tad to see someone punching the guard.

And then blacked out.


When he woke up he could yelling and knew someone was stroking his face.

"I don't care he needs to be arrested for fucks sake look at Stephen"He could take a guess and say that was Dec he was always hot tempered."I know Dec and something will be done i can assure you that but the police needs  Stephen's word from what happened"Simon said trying to cool the shorter man down.

"Why do they need Stephen's there is proof on what happened,videos,picture a lot of eyewitness they saw it happen,what more do they need"Ant said rather annoyed.

"I don't know okay all i know is that something will be done when Stephen talks to the cops,let's just be grateful he isn't injured worse"

"Injured worse"Dec muttered angrily 

"I think Simon means Stephen could have been hurt more worse than he is now,at least it's just a concussion and a broken nose it could have been a lot more if one of the old guards didn't notify us" Aleaha said above Stephen's head.

"We need to get rid of the guards"David sighed and sat in the chair beside Stephen's bed and noticed the difference in Stephen's breathing.

"Agreed what David"

"He's awake i think"

He was the whole time,just could talk really well and with Alesha running her hand through his hair he almost fell asleep again.

"Stevie"Ant said brushing against his arm"You okay"

He opened his eyes and was met with his family's concerned faces and eyes.He couldn't really tell if he was okay but he was rather dizzy and felt sick.

"The guard that did this is going to be arrested but you have to talk to the cops first but that can wait,now are you okay,feel sick"Dec spoke and Stephen could hear the venom in his voice when spoke of the guard.

"M'kay little dizzy n'stuff"when reached for his face David stopped him,shooting his a questionable gaze"Your nose is broken i wouldn't do that and you have second grade concussion"Ahh that must explain why he feels like death and his ears are ringing a tab bit.

"Oh am i going to be okay?"

"Yeah you will be"Amanda said and grabbed the cup of water and put the straw between his lips so he could drink."Thanks"Stephen said before moving to get in a comfortable position on the hospital bed. 

"Your welcome Stephen,get some rest okay"He nodded at the other who said there goodbye but Dec and Ant stayed.

They were not letting the younger male out of there sight for a while.

"Stephen can i ask you something"Dec asked breaking the nice silence."yeah"

"Why'd the guard hit you"

"Cause i forgot my ID and i was super late and thought Simon was going to kill me so i ran past him"He watched the two turn a little red "Why didn't you call one of us"

"Cause my phone may have also died"he said sheepishly

"You didn't have the greatest of luck did you Stevie"Ant teased a little bit trying to lighten the mood."I guess not"

"Get some rest Stevie well be here okay"Ant said pushing the covers on the bed up some,which Stephen was grateful for cause it was cold in the room.


"Night Stephen were not leaving"

"Okay"he knew the boys wouldn't leave while he was sleeping and if they did they would come back.


Oh did the guard go to jail with a face full of bruises most definitely and did fans turn their heads when Dec beaten the dude up yup after all he did have a hot head. 

Ima miss David on Bgt now it won't be the same :(

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