Bubble wrap

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Stephen's clumsiness had always been well-known. Everything he did seemed to result in an accident, and everything that he did left a mess in his path. Dec and Ant, had seen numerous times where Stephen's chaos resulted in disaster.

Well on this one day Dec and Ant decided they'd had enough one day, following a particularly awful incident where Stephen tripped over his own shoelaces and broke a whole glassware display in a store. They took Stephen away and offered him a way to stop being so clumsy all the time.

Dec said "We've got a great plan, Stephen." "We're going to bubble wrap you."

Stephen looked at them like they were crazy."Your going to bubble wrap me?"

"Yes, we're going to wrap you in bubble wrap from head to toe," Ant added. " that way, you'll be safe even if you trip or fall."He said proudly.

Stephen laughed out loud at the craziness of the idea. "You guys aren't serious," he remarked while laughing.He finally thinks the two have lost their marbles.

Dec and Ant, though, were very serious. They were ready since they had brought rolls of bubble wrap. Stephen's arms were first wrapped, followed by his legs, chest, and head. Stephen looked like a talking, walking bubble wrap man by the time they were finished.

Stephen felt nearly 'immortal' as he took his first timid steps inside his bubble wrap fortress. He tripped over things, bounced off walls, and even took a few intended tumbles for amusement. Dec and Ant were kinda surprised that their idea might have worked as they watched Stephen well act like a literal child.

Well he was having fun until he tripped and landed on his stomach with a lot of mini popping sounds.

"Stevie."Ant yelled running over to him and pulling him up."You okay?"Dec questioned Stephen who looked a little shocked.

"Yeah i'm fine."

"Maybe the bubble wrap might have not been a good idea."Ant declared and started to rip the wrapping off of Stephen."Probably but it was fun."

"You know what about pillows,you can't possibly get hurt with pillows."Dec asked and Ant shrugged smirking at the idea.Stephen groaned but didn't say anything,he already knew he wasn't going to win.

"I'll buy the pillows."

"I hate you both sometimes."

"Sure you do."

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