Ouch that must hurt

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Stephen was running very late for BGT since he woke up very late.He rushed out of his house and to the studio.

Well while running through the studio he silently cursed himself when he looked up at the many stairs he had to climb.

Though he certainly was not taking his time,not taking his time he started to take the stairs two and three at a time.

He was half way to the top when he tripped and went face first into the stairs.His face made contact with the steps and he felt intense pain in his nose and mouth but more at his nose.

"Bloody hell."He muttered pulling himself back a little and bringing his hand to his face,he was met with the sight of blood when he withdrew his hand.His nose was bleeding and it hurt.

As he was about to get up and find a mirror to see the damage when he heard laughing.To his horror the laughing belonged to one idiot comedian.

"Wow just wow.Stephen you know what if this was an act i'd give you the golden buzzer."David said laughing and holding his sides.

Stephen who was still on his knees with a very red face groaned wishing the floor would eat him or something.

"Will you shut up."Stephen told David who was wiping his fake tears away.This was very embarrassing and Stephen was still very late.

He got up and started to make his way back up the stairs with a bleeding nose.

"Hey Stephen don't fall again."

"Shut up David don't you have a show to judge."Stephen fired back almost near the top but could still hear David laughing.

"Your right I do but at least I don't fall on my face."Stephen rolled his eyes and turned down the hall only to walk straight into Dec.

"Ah sorry Stevie didn't see you there.Hey you okay?"Dec questioned taking a look at the bleeding Stephen.

"Yeah i''m fine.I gotta go though."He said trying to get passed his older friend but Dec wouldn't let him.

"Wait that looks like it hurts,what happened?"He asked again and well Stephen debated whether or not telling him because well it is embarrassing.I mean really who falls up the stairs.

"Uhh."He went on thinking of a lie but the look Dec was giving him made it clear he better not lie.

"I fell up the stairs."Stephen deadpanned and watched as his friends face turn from a worried concerned expression to a slowly trying not to laugh expression.

Well that didn't last long because Dec busted out laughing right into his face.

"I'm sorry you feel up the stairs.Stevie wow that's just something else."Dec said still laughing,Stephen who was done with this turned and started to make his way to his dressing room.

Dec started to follow him still laughing a little."Hey but are you okay Stephen."Dec asked just a little concerned but still found the issue funny.


"Well that's good.Hey watch out."Dec suddenly grabbing Stephen before he could walk into a wall.

"Stephen bud I think we need to bubble wrap you."Dec said seriously Stephen on the other hand just jerked himself away and made made his way to his dressing room so Dec wouldn't get anymore ideas.

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