Hostage by friends

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Stephen's pov

It has been officially two days since i was discharged from the hospital and i am losing my mind.I hate the hospital but right now i would rather be there then at Ant's and Dec's and i really mean that.

The boys have been checking in on me every 20 minutes,i may sound ungrateful but i'm not i appreciate them i really do,but they are getting on my nerves,I was shot and i see where they are coming from i did almost die apparently from David,he had made them act like this i mean all he had to do was not worry them and what did he do well he suggested that they keep an eye on me.

It has been 19 minutes so far and in another minute they are going to be bounding in with water and my pain meds,Dec seems to think i shouldn't have them for what reason i don't know, could it be that he thinks i'm going to take them all maybe.I watched the door slowly open and what do you know it was Ant and Dec with water and a pill"Hey Stevie how are,any pain well it's time for your pain medication"Ant said handing me the pill and Dec handing me the water that i just stared at then looked at them.

"You two know that you don't have to keep doing this i am fine by myself"I said to them taking the pill and swallowing it"Yeah but we want to make sure your okay"Dec said crossing his arms and looking at me "Also we like having you here Stevie so please just let up do this for you"Dec said and now i feel bad."Okay i promise i will stop being a downer"that made them happy i could tell judging by the smiles on their faces and the fact that they are currently climbing into the queen size bed.

"Guys come on"i cried out and they laughed,Dec rolled onto my left side while Ant climbed on my right side both holding on to me"Oh Stevie your cold"he said as he pulled the blanket up that was at the bottom of the bed.

"I hope you two know your getting up"I said to them because i will not be held captive in this warm bed with them and i will never admit it out loud but i like the warmth they are giving off."We know Stephen only because you have to go on a walk to exercise your legs"I hate that time of the day.Only because they are up my ass well not my ass but they get way entirely close to me like i'm going to fall and their there to catch me.

It was like six or seven minutes later and i fell asleep with my head on Ant's and to be clear it was not because i was tired and needed a nap it was because they were not getting up any time soon and they were warm and i was comfortable.

Third pov

The boys all stayed asleep for a good hour but were woken up by the alarm Dec set to get them up for the walk."Turn it off"Stephen grumbled putting a pillow over it head "No up we have walk to go on"Ant got up with Dec and Stephen stayed on the bed"No just drag me"the boys laughed"No up or i will drag you"Dec warned,even though he actually wouldn't do that
"You would never do that"Stephen stated looking at Dec smugly.

 "Okay i wouldn't but i will pull then carry you"Stephen wouldn't put it past Dec to carry him,he may be small but is very strong.Stephen threw the pillow that was over his face at Dec and Ant"FINE"He grumbled slowly getting up but stopped when his abdomen started to hurt where the bullet hit"Agg"Stephen gasped in pain"Stevie are you okay"Ant asked running to his side with Dec not to far.

"Yeah i just moved wrong i'm fine i promise"Stephen said gritting his teeth trying not to show pain"Yeah sure you are let me see if you pulled any of the stitches"Dec said pulling Stephen's shirt up only stopping to slap his hand away. After inspecting the stitches making sure he didn't pull them "Okay let's go"Dec said getting up on his feet and Stephen looked at them like they grew two extra heads.

"What no i'm in pain let me rest please"Stephen said as dramatically fell back onto the bed and made a pitiful noise"Stephen come on you need to go on a walk if your in all that pain then the walk can wait"Dec said and Stephen groaned slowly pulling himself up "I really don't like you two sometimes"He said getting up to his feet"Oh you love us"Ant said going to Stephen's side and Dec on the other"Whatever"Stephen muttered

"I was thinking we have turkey tonight"Stephen made a disgusted sound"No that stuff is nasty"The boys laughed knowing Stephen's hate for turkey"Oh common it's good for you"ant nudged at Stephen's side"Negative you two can eat i will be sleeping"Stephen said to the boys who were helping him down the stairs"Your eating and were having ham is that okay with you"Dec said and Stephen nodded he loved ham.

"Okay sit right here er gently"Ant said guiding Stephen to sit on the bench that was beside the door"I can put my own shoes on"Stephen said taking his shoe from Dec's hand but Dec took it back"No let us put it on"Stephen grunted and took his shoe back only for Dec to rip it back and smack Stephen's hand"Ow what was that for"Stephen said holding his assaulted hand"Stop being rude and let us help you"Dec said sternly making Stephen put his head down mumbling a sorry and let them put it on and totally wasn't sulking like a toddler that had gotten scolded

"Okay Stephen give me your arms"Ant said grabbing Stephen's jacket but Stephen wasn't having it"No i will put my own jacket on thank you very much"He said grabbing his jacket from Ant's hand rather aggressively "Stephen"Dec scolded "Sorry"He said to Ant who nodded"It's okay,i guess you can put your own coat on"Stephen slowly put his coat on,winching in pain but pushed threw it.

"Okay let's go"Dec said helping Stephen back up and when they opened the door they were met with rain"Were still not going on a walk are we"Stephen asked looking at his friends"Well they made umbrellas for a reason"Dec said happily and Stephen groaned "I don't want to"Stephen said quietly and when the boys were making their way out making sure their was nothing in the way for Stephen to trip,Stephen pushed them forward sending them outside of the door and slammed the door shut making sure to lock it to

"Stephen open the door NOW"Dec screamed but Stephen ignored it finally getting alone time did he feel bad not really well a small part of him did.Stephen strolled over to the couch to lay down.He briefly heard his name being yelled as he fell asleep. 

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