Thank you for talking

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TW:Talk about suicide

Steive's pov

My phone rang for the 5th time in less then five minutes.I know it what either Ant or Dec probably both and felt kinda bad for ignoring it but I was afraid of what would come out of my mouth if I answer.

I haven't left my house in the past few days I also haven't left my bed in those past few days I also knew I was worrying my friends.But I knew if I started to talk to them I wouldn't be able to stop and most likely end up telling them the truth about how I don't think I would be able to continue anymore.

You know it isn't like I have a bad life or anything I just had depression since I was 15 and it was getting worse and my mind went into a dark places that scare me sometimes.

My phone started to ring again but I ignored it again deciding to go back to sleep and ignore the world.

When I woke up again I woke up to two figures sitting at the end of my bed.

"Uh what are two doing here."i asked but not really interested though I was kinda surprised to see the two there.

"What are you talking about Stevie'what are we doing here'"Ant quoted."Well you haven't been picking up your phone and we were worried about you Stevie."

"I'm fine."I lied and by the looks they were giving me they could tell.

"Your not Stephen your really not okay.Can we help you get out of bed.Maybe get a shower and food after."Dec said grabbing my hand gently and started to pull me up but I yanked my hand back roughly back from his and he looked at me shocked.

"No!"I shouted"I just wanna go back to sleep so eave me ALONE."

"Stevie were not leaving you like this,were bloody scared and worried about you."Ant said looking hurt in his eyes.

I sat up looking at them."Scared of what? huh that ima do something to hurt myself,scared I might kill myself.Well you know what maybe you should be! it is the only bloody fucking thing I can think about the past few days.I don't wanna do this anymore for fuck sake's."I yelled "I just can't do it anymore."I said sadly before breaking into tears.

"I love you two so much b-but I can't d-do it anymore."I said struggling to hold myself together.I felt my bed dip and the two sets of arms wrap around each side of me.

"Sh Stevie it's okay,we got you.We love you too."Ant said trying to calm me while I buried my head into Dec's shoulder and sobbed while both tried to calm me."

When I stopped crying I felt the arms slowly release around me and look at me.

"Stephen we care about you so much and I don't know what we would do without you.Thank you for telling us,Stevie were gonna help you okay."Dec said grabbing my hand and squeezing it.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you and for worrying you."I said looking back down to my blanket.

"Stevie you don't have to apologize were glad you told us okay.Stephen I think you need to call your doctor and get you on something that could help you."Dec said indicating the antidepressants that I was once on but decided I didn't want to be on them anymore.

They were most definitely right,I need to be on them again.

"Okay."I said and Ant grabbed my phone so I could call the doctor.After a couple of minutes I had an appointment made.

"We're proud of you Stevie,it is hard to do this."Ant praised.

"Okay Stephen now you got that done with how about we get out of this bed and go downstairs for some takeaway that we brought and just sit on the couch and watch the telly."

"Okay."I said allowing Ant to pull me up and letting them lead the way to the kitchen.We got the food and proceeded to the living room to watch some TV.

"Thank you."I said "Your welcome."

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