the time he helps

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David is a lot of things,some are bad and some are good.He can be a pain in the ass but he can always be someone to count on.And here he is today.

Stephen was a mess a big one at that,he didn't go to work today,didn't answer his phone,nor did he get out of his bed.It wasn't because he didn't want to get out of bed and go to work,it's because he had no motivation.Getting up seemed like a chore that you have to do contently every day.It's tiring having to repeat everything you do over and over.

And Stephen hates it so he just decided he didn't want a repeat so he stayed in bed,didn't get up to eat or stretch,didn't answer his phone that went off a lot.He knew who it was so he didn't answer hoping that they would give up and they did after a bit.

But now as it was 3:41 pm there was a loud knock on his door but he ignored it not wanting to leave the warm area.The knocking would not ease up or the ringing of his phone,he just wished who ever it was would leave him alone and let him be in peace.

But no did the knocking stop yes and his phone stop ringing yes,but now there was a thudding at his window.Who ever it was,was about to be punched.Stephen redundantly rolled out of his bed and trudged angry to the window.

He pushed the curtain to the side and was met with the one and only David walliams who locked eyes and smiled"Open the door"he yelled through the window but Stephen didn't move,just stared at David "Stephen unlock the door"he said pointing to the room.

David stared at him before walking to the front of the house and Stephen walked to the front door unlocking it,about to open the door but David beat him to it"You are stupid"David said to the lengthy man who stood dumb founded.

"What are you doing here"he asked David "What am i doing here?well i am here to make sure you're not dead!"David practically yelled making Stephen flinch"Well i am fine you can leave"but David was not having that"No i will not,now tell me what is wrong"why did he care Stephen thought.

"What?why do you even care were not friends"Stephen stated watching the taller man closely.David looked confused and a little hurt"Why do you think that,of course i care"lies no one cares."No you don't so please leave"He tried,but David shook his head"No what is wrong"

"Nothing is wrong"Stephen lied,everything was wrong"Please tell me i won't make fun of you if it's bad this is serious,please"the older man all but pleaded to him.Stephen bit the inside of his cheek trying to hold back his tears"I'm fine"he stuttered out letting a loose tear run down his cheek.

Stephen flinched when he felt a hand land on his shoulder"Steph"David said pulling the younger man into a tight hug.Stephen knew his pride will defiantly be hurt after today but that didn't matter,he started to let those tears fall down and thank god David didn't say anything because he couldn't handle that right now.

"It's okay"David said quietly although Stephen didn't really believe him but he needed something"Tell me what is wrong i won't tell anyone else or make fun of you please"for some reason Stephen believed him.

"You promise"he needed to be sure"Yeah i promise"he was really going to tell David of all people this.

"I uh sometimes i feel weird,that i have no motivation and everyday is like repeat and i hate it"Stephen confessed looking at the floor then to David who looked sympathetic at him"I'm sorry"if their was one thing Stephen hated the most was pity.

"Please i don't want pity"Stephen said looking past David not wanting to meet his eyes"Okay,but look if you ever need anything,a friend to talk to i will be here but don't not answer your phone again you scared Ant and Dec,the girls hell even Simon today"that made Stephen feel even worse"I'm sorry"Stephen said quietly

"It's okay just don't ever do that again"Stephen nodded looking at the clock not knowing what to say "Want to get drunk"David asked scratching his head

"Yeah"He replied grateful that David was there to help pull him out of his stomp.

Sorry for not posting like i used to,gonna try to fix that just depends if i am in the right mood

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