24. Flying High With Him

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It was already morning.. I can see the sunlight outside.. But tae is still sleeping.. I couldn’t sleep after the nightmare.. I decided to get up and get ready.. I tried my best to move away from his grip without waking him up.. But to my fail.. He groaned.. And i became still again to not wake him up…

Tae- where are you going?? 

His eyes still closed.. He nuzzled his nose on my neck.. 

Yn- i need to wash up and get ready..

Tae- what is the time now??

Yn- i don’t know.. 

Tae moved away from me, making me free of his grip to turn to the nightstand and grab the phone to check the time… i suddenly felt so cold without his warmth.. 

Tae- it is 9.45.. Still early..

Yn- i don’t to go out.. 

Tae looked at me with a pout on his face.. 

Tae- then we have to get up and get ready.. 

Yn- you sleep in a little more.. I will wake you up after i am done.. 

Tae- no.. i will shower with you.. 

He hugged me again, and the warmth again spread all over my body..

We both got dressed together and then i went to order something to eat, as it was already very late to have breakfast.. Tae asked me not to order anything as we will eat brunch togethr in some hotel after sometime.. 

Yn- but i am hungry

Tae- order coffee for both of us.. Believe me baby you dont’ want to eat anything now… 

I listened and order two lattes for both of us.. I put on jeans and a top and tae jeans and tshirt, which is really a rare case scenario for us to see.. We had coffee in our living room and after having coffee we went off.. Tae booked a car for him to drive here in paris and we drove.. First it was the view of the city but soon the view changed to french countryside.. The highrise buildings were nowhere to be seen and the only thing was wide spread fields around us…

Yn- where are we going tae??

Tae- you will see..

Yn- you will not even give me any hint??

Tae smiled at me while he continued driving the car.. We drove for a long time in silence.. I really enjoyed the drive with beautiful view and jazz playing in our car with tae with me.. I love it.. After some time tae pulled in the car in front of a small building in the middle of nowhere.. He got out of the car and open the door for me.. I got out and looked around to find out the reason behind coming here.. I looked back at tae only to find him smiling at me..

Yn- where are we??

Tae- you are going to find out soon baby.. 

He held my hand in his hand and started walking towards the building.. He didn’t talked to anybody other than nodding them several times.. We came out of the other side of the building in an open ground. There was standing a helicopter for us.. A driver on it, smilling and waving at us.. 

Tae looked at me.. 

Tae- for us…

Yn- are you serious??

Tae- ya...

I couldn’t believe what i was seeing in front of my eyes.. We are gonna travel in an helicopter?? It is too goof to be true.. Tae held my hand and started walking to the helicopter, kinda dragging me.. He made me get in first and then he got in.. he sat beside me.. He tied the seatbelt around me tightly, tucking and checking several times, he also gave me headphones, and he also put them on.. 

The blades started moving and it was time for us to fly, i was so scared that i grabbed his hand and closed my eyes in fear.. Tae looked at me and smiled..

Tae- don’t be scared.. It is fun.. We are going to see everything from the sky.. It will look so beautiful..

We were in the sky.. The helicopter was flying above the countryside… we could see the green fields spread all around us… soon we came towards the city.. It looked so beautiful from above.. The buildings, the roads,the architecture, the eiffel tower.. Everything looked magical… also my fear went from my mind seeing the beauty in front of my eyes.. This is definitely the best thing I have ever seen.. It felt so magical.. The pilot was explaining everything to us through the headphones… After watching everything around me i looked at tae, and saw his boxy smile… he pulled me into a hug, again the warmth made me feel safest in the middle of the sky… 

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