71. Friendship and Being A Brother

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It has been 3 days since I came back home from the hospital.. And it is mostly eating and sleeping.. Although Tae promised to stay at home with me, he spent most of the time in his office, on calls or in meetings.. When I wake up I never see him beside me and I only mostly see him at meal times, and not even before going to bed.. Somehow Tae is choosing abstinence over me.. And he is not even willing to talk  about that with me.. That can be the reason he is not with me all the time.. 

But i am really tired, so i didn’t bothered him and decided to spend my time relaxing.. Until this morning, when my phone buzzed with lisa’s call.. When i picked up the call she is all angry and questioning.. It seems that the news of me being kidnaped released to the media yesterday night.. And although they also mentioned that I am safe, she is angry bcz i didn't call her to talk to her about that.. 

Tired of giving excuses, I asked her to come to the home to meet me.. As it can give me some fun.. When lisa came, i was already watching a tv show.. I felt sad seeing her worry about me.. The faces of my uncle and aunt came to me… did they know where I am and did they even see the news?? It has already been twice that I am on the news, at least that I know of.. But they didn’t call.. I just know Tae loves me, he cares for me and I can see that in his eyes.. 

Lisa scolded me for some time… but in the end I hugged her with teary eyes.. 

Yn- I am sorry.. You know I am a weak pregnant woman.. How can you shout at me like this??

She hugged me back, I felt her anger subside.. 

Lisa- how long are you going to miss college??

Yn- i don’t know.. Tae isn’t allowing me to go there yet.. I will talk to him after this week.. 

Lisa- then what are you doing at home alone??

Yn- not alone.. Tae is here… he took the whole week off..

Lisa- where is he??

Yn- in the office.. Working.. 

I sighed.. Lisa moved her head side to side in defeat.. 

Lisa- this isn’t spending time together.. How did he react to the baby??

Yn- it’s complicated.. 

Lisa- what??

Yn- he is trying to accept it.. 

Lisa- i don’t know about you guys anymore.. What the hell do you guys think or talk or just are.. 

Yn- leave it lisa… 

she huffed and sat on the couch.. I smiled at her innocence.. I hugged her… 

Yn- what do you wanna talk about?? 

Lisa- nothing..

Yn- may be relationships??

Lisa looked at me and then turned her face back to the front…

Yn- what is he doing?? 

Lisa- who??

Yn- jack??

Lisa- don’t even talk about him.. I hate him.. His mom called me from his phone and gave me a lot of lectures.. I didn’t have any option other than listening to her.. When I later talked to him about his mother’s lecture, he didn’t believe me.. And I showed him the call history on my phone.. And he believed his mom called, but never believed that she would say such things to me.. And I hate him.. Why would I lie to him about his mom calling me??

Yn- ok ok… wait.. Just wait.. Breath.. You know you need to be calm to think about anything.. 

Lisa- i don’t want to..  I didn’t have sex for long enough.. And I am horny and frustrated.. 

Yn- aishhh.. Lisa.. don’t be so loud.. Everyone can hear you.. 

I pointed towards the staff working around the house.. 

Lisa- i sometimes forget that you are rich and there are people working around your house.. And you know what.. You can never understand me.. You are having fine sex… 

Yn- aisshhh.. Lisa stop.. 

I put my index finger on her lips to shut her mouth.. And she became silent temporarily… I look around the people , and they continue working at their normal pace.. Although they pretend not to hear anything, I am pretty sure they heard everything, by sheer loudness of the voice she was speaking in… 

Suddenly I heard tae speaking from somewhere.. 

Tae- who is having sex??? With whom??

I turned back, and saw tae coming downstairs, in his pjs, and messy hair with a pair of reading glassed on…

Yn- it was nothing tae.. 

Tae- no.. I heard it.. Lisa… how are you?? And who is having sex??

Lisa removed my index finger from her lips and started talking again.. 

Lisa- i am fine oppa.. And I was talking about you.. 

Tae- what??

Yn- nothing.. Nothing… Lisa and we are talking about a drama… 

Lisa- aniya.. Oppa.. you are having sex.. Quite well.. And you are happy.. And my boyfriend isn’t even talking to me.. Bcz i told the truth that his mom called and said nasty stuff to me.. 

She punched the sofa with her fist.. Tae’s jaw was dropped.. Maybe nobody talked to him or accused him of having sex… if it can be counted as an accusation.. 

Tae- what are you talking about?? 

Yn- nothing.. 

Tae walked towards her and sat beside her on the couch.. And he started speaking.. 

Tae- i can understand how it feels when you can’t make people you love believe something that you know is true.. I can understand that.. And I know your feelings are valid.. It is okay to feel this way.. I feel that way too.. Sometimes I feel that people don’t understand my point of view.. And I feel sad… but you can change this.. 

Lisa looked up at his face.. Trying to understand.. 

Tae- i never had a sister.. And you know I never liked womankind at all.. So i didn’t even think of making anyone my girlfriend, let alone sister.. But after yn, you are the first woman who i can talk to without having any business relationship.. So if you allow me, I can talk to you, and guide you.. As i am older than you, i know and have experienced more.. 

Lisa- oppa.. I mean.. I didn’t know.. 

Her voice now soft and dim.. I think she is confused.. I feel confused too.. I have never seen this side of tae.. I never thought of him being someone’s brother.. 

Tae- listen… people take people for granted in this world.. If you give people too much value, they will take you for granted, they will not think that you have any value to offer, that you are cheap… when all you want to do is help others.. 

Lisa nodded tears forming in her eyes.. 

Tae- leave that boy.. You like him.. I know.. It is fine to like someone, but when that person is not willing to work on the relationship the relationship is doomed to fail, one day or the other.. This is true in any kind of relationship.. So focus on yourself.. I will help you.. 

Lisa hugged him.. Suddenly.. And started sobbing in his chest.. Tae looked at me, and all nodded in response.. Tae pat her head

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