33. News.. Media.. Everybody Knows..

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The next morning I woke up on Tae's chest.. He is still sleeping and snoring.. I woke up to see his innocent face, puffed up.. And then I looked at my ring.. Last night was so perfect that I thought maybe I imagined it.. Which was definitely not true as the ring itself gave me the answer.. 

I scroll on my phone trying to catch up what is happening outside.. I opened social media to check on my friends, but somehow I ended up thinking about our wedding.. 

I went to google to search for a wedding dress.. I blushed internally.. But what I saw in the google news made all the colour go away from my face.. It was our picture together in the google news.. 

“The Mafia King Kim Taehyung Got Engaged With His Long Term Girlfriend Yn”..

What?? How do they know?? They even have our pictures taken last night at the restaurant… I hurriedly closed the phone and hugged tae.. Fear screaming inside me.. My abrupt hug and rapid breathing made Tae open his eyes.. 

Tae- good morning..

Yn- good morning..

Tae- what happened?? Why so serious??

Concern shown on his puffy face..

Yn- tae.. They know it…

Tae- who?? What??

I soon sat straight and opened my phone and showed him the article.. He took the phone from my hand and scrolled through the entire article and read through it.. Finally he smirked..

Tae- isn’t it good?? They write nicely.

Yn- what?? Is it good?? Everybody knows about us now..

Tae- so what?? Don’t you want anyone to know??

Yn- you did this aren’t you?? You asked them to publish our photos..

Tae sighed..

Tae- yn.. Even if i don’t give them photos they will know.. Everyone knows that I have a girlfriend, but they didn't know who it was.. They would definitely know  i got engaged last night and even photos will be leaked, so better do it yourself so that it is right information..

My heart sank.. I am scared.. Everyone knows who I am now.. And they know who he is..

Yn- but tae.. 

Tae- there is not but.. Come cuddle with me, fiance.. Then we have to get ready to go back home.. 

He pulled me in his bare chest.. I hugged him while laying down my head on his chest.. I can hear his heartbeat.. I feel good and safe..

After landing in the city, we went directly to our home.. And I sat on the couch and sighed.. Looking around me is all we spent time in the last years, happiness and sadness together.. Tae poured a glass of water and stood straight beside me and gave me the water.. I took it and drink it.. 

Tae- what is it??

Yn- I miss paris.. 

Tae chuckle.. 

Tae- don’t baby.. Just relax, we have to pack everything up, and move to a new house.. 

Yn- what?? Why??

Tae- bcz i have a big house, which i bought for us, but i couldn’t take you there as you didn’t know about me.. I already told them to clean it some days ago and soon some staff will come and pack everything up here.. We will go there tonight.. You should rest a little.. I have to go to the office for a little while..

Yn- you will go today?? Can’t you stay just today??

Tae- baby.. I have to manage things up as I was absent for long enough.. I will come back this afternoon.. I promise..

I stood up and hugged his torso.. I am just going to miss him.. The sense of longing that I feel for him right now is incomparable..

Yn- tae.. Can I go and meet my friends today?? I will be bored here..

Tae’s face went serious.. He looked at my puppy face when I fluttered my eyelids trying to be cute..

Tae- i don’t have any problem.. But yn.. They now know about me and us so you have to face them.. They will ask a lot of questions about my profession, will you be able to handle everything??

It came back to me.. It was a headline in the news everywhere, I didn't check my messages or calls after the announcement.. What do they think about me?? 

Yn- ohh.. I forgot.. But if I found a way, can I go??

Tae ran his fingers through my hair..

Tae- ofcourse.. You just have to take the car I will send for you, and the driver and the bodyguard.. 

I scrunch my nose.. 

Yn- what is this again??

Tae- now everyone knows you are my fiance, so they can try to take revenge on me through you.. So you have to be careful..

Tae made a puppy face too.. I smiled and kissed him.. 

Yn- do you want coffee??

Tae- ya.. I missed your coffees..

I went and made coffee for both of us.. After having the coffee tae started walking towards the main door, when he stopped and looked back at me.. I was standing there looking at him.. He turned and came back to me hurriedly, his hand on the back of my neck, pulling me hard for a kiss.. I parted my lips, and he savoured my taste, long enough, living me breathless.. 

Tae- wait for tonight.. 

He pecked my lips again and went out of the door..

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