78. The Baby Should Know Its Father

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We drove to a small restaurant in the town... Tae ordered salad for us.. I looked at him.. 

Yn- who eats salad??

Tae - we should eat salad... That is good for your health.. 

Yn- i will not eat salad... 

Tae- what you want then?? 

Yn- steak.. 

Tae smiled... He called the waiter again... And cancelled the previous order and ordered steak.. 

Yn- you are also going to eat steak?? Don't you wanna eat healthy??

Tae- how can i?? If you are not healthy... I also don't want to.. 

Yn- is it me or you are actually becoming cringe day by day?? 

Tae frowned.. 

Tae- i am not cringe.. You are hormonal... You pregnant lady...

Yn- how can you say that?? You are the one that made me pregnant.. This child is yours and now I am hormonal?? 

Tae chuckled.. 

Tae- i know this child is mine.. No mother fucker can ever touch what is mine... And you are only mine.. 

Yn- oops... Sorry.. But bunbun here is closer to me.. He or she is touching me way deeper than you ever did...

Tae sighed..

Tae- that is why I didn't like the idea of having a baby... I wanted you to be mine, just mine... 

Yn couldn't hide her smile... She cupped his face and gave a peck on the top of his nose..

Yn- I am only yours... I will always be.. And bunbun is special to me... Bcz.. It is yours... This is your baby.... You gave it to me.. And I will try my best to take care of it... 

She smiled...

Yn- like the way I take care of your everything.. 

Tae smiled... And he squeezed her nose bridge a little... 

Tae- you know junior is not closer to you.. I went there today.. Where he is now... So I guess he may have felt my presence...

Yn- what?? I never read that.. Does this happen like that?? I mean the babies can feel when we have sex?? 

Tae- not now.. As it is way too small for him to feel or see anything... I don't even know if he has developed any organs yet.. But when he gets bigger, he can...

Yn- now that you say it... It makes sense.. It is pretty embarrassing... We are never gonna have sex when he can feel.. 

Tae frowned- why??

At that time the food came.. Yn was so hungry she delved into the food the right way. .. Having a mouthful of meat she spoke..

Yn- aishhh.. It would be so weird... It is a kid.. So how can we, being his mommy and daddy, do it when he knows...

Tae chuckled- baby.. He will not feel it like that.. I mean he will not understand.. But he just feels that something is happening... 

Yn was quite confused... 

Tae- no matter what you think or not.. I am not gonna go without fucking you.. That's final.. 

Yn- tae... 

Tae- what??? The baby needs to feel the presence of its father too... Why will he only feel his mommy?? 

Yn made a pout and continued eating.. Tae also started eating.. Suddenly Tae's phone rang.. And he picked up the phone... By seeing his expression yn could understand that it was from the office... 

Tae stayed silent for a little while.. Then said..

Tae- yes.. Send it to me now... And made sure everyone is okay.. Anything else?? Ya.. I will come and see.. 

He cut the call.. And yn suddenly felt sad that tae will leave her and go to the office... Tae opened his phone for something and looked at it for sometime.. His facial expressions changed.. It was intense.. Yn suddenly felt worried... 

Yn- what happened?? 

Tae looked up from the phone.. Put it in his pocket and started slicing the steak.. He spoke very calming matter of factly..

Tae- one of our factories caught on fire... 

Yn was so shocked... But tae started eating again.. Putting the steak in his mouth and chewing it... 

Yn- then what?? 

Tae- nothing.. Eat up.. I will drop you home and visit the site... 

Yn- everyone is okay there?? 

Tae- it seems so.. 

Tae suddenly pulled yn's plate towards him and started cutting the steak in pieces for her... She observed him intently... He cut the meat into bite size pieces and gave the plate back to her... 

Tae- eat up.. 

Yn took one piece and put it in her mouth.. While Tae also started eating again.. The way, Tae was avoiding the situation because she knew that it was out of limits for her.. Maybe he will open up later about it... But it would be best to drop the topic right now...

She ate silently.. Tae did the same... But she noticed her tae was missing.. It was the businessman she was eating with.. His facial expression is intense... No joking or teasing her... 

Tae poured a glass or juice for her.. And put it in front of her.. She looked at him... She knows that he is stressed and thinking about many things but still he silently takes care of her.. 

Tae noticed yn was staring at his face.. 

Tae- drink it.. You don't have enough fruits on your body today.. I will make sure our dinner today is veggie pasta.. So that you get enough veggies.. 

Yn took the juice and sipped it.. It was good.. So she drank it all.. Tae passed her the tissue and she wiped her mouth with it.. 

Tae- finish your steak... I will pour you another glass of juice.. 

She started having the few last pieces of food on her plate, and tae poured another glass of juice for her.. Finishing the steak, she drank the juice.. Tae also completed the steak and paid the bill before standing up..

He waited for yn to stand up and held her hand before going out of the restaurant... 

Yn felt his hands were warm... And he held her gently.. He made her sit in the car and went to the driver's seat himself...

Tae- seatbelt.. 

She fastened the seatbelt and tae started the car.. The journey back home was silent... Nobody spoke anything.. Just silence.. Many things were going through yn's mind... But she chose to stay silent for the time being.. 

Tae pulled the car in front of the house... He got out and opened the door for her.. She got out of the car.. Tae stood straight in front of her.. She looked up at him hoping he would say something.. 

Tae cupped her face in his hand.. Although distant, he tried to speak with love..

Tae- i will come back soon.. Until i come you get fresh.. And rest a little.. Okay?? If you want you can study.. 

He smiled and pecked her lips... She felt a little calm... She suddenly hugged him.. Her arms around his torso... Tae rubbed her back up and down... And inhaling the scent of her hair.. 

Yn- come home soon... 

Tae- I will... 

Tae got in the car and drove out of her sight.. 

She went back in the house.. As usual it feels empty without him.. She still felt this house was way too big for them.. But it was pretty.. And when tae is here with her it doesn't  feel so big..

Author's note
Why is tae like this?? Sometimes he is good and then again back to being cold... We know that he loves yn... But why not allowing her know everything about him??
Tae is mysterious....

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