115. I Will Take You Home

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It was afternoon.. So everywhere it was glowing with the red hue of the sun setting somewhere.. And when i parked the car, in the open space far away which daejung asked me to, i somehow mustered the courage to walk to the old garage.. 

I noticed my legs were stumbling, I know I am scared.. Very scared, and alone.. Why tae?? Why?? Why did you leave me to deal with all of this alone?? I suddenly felt a kick in my tummy.. And I caressed my tummy.. 

Yn whispered- ya i know.. I am not alone.. You are here with me… but baby.. I am more scared for you..

I felt another kick… I caressed the tummy again with a smile on my face.. 

Yn whispered- ya ya.. I know.. You are brave.. Just like your daddy.. I know you boys are so strong and brave, but look none of you are here to fight for me, and i am here alone.. But it is okay.. Daddy is going to be back soon.. And he is going to protect us, until you grow big like him, and strong.. Okay?? Now calm down.. 

I caressed my tummy for a little while, and the movement inside stopped.. I am close to the garage… and when I am just outside the gate, my cell phone rang.. 

Thankfully my phone was on silent mode, so it just vibrated and I picked it up.. 

Daejung- hushh.. Don’t utter a single word.. Just enter.. I am inside, and I will free taehyung, you take him and leave.. Don’t look back.. Silent.. 

I didn’t say anything and he cut the call.. With a rapid beating heart, I entered the huge iron gate, and started walking on the grass, before entering the huge garage.. Which was built with iron and was oxidised heavily.. The place smelled damp, and humid.. I didn't know where to walk and where to go, so I walked silently.. Trying to find the way out.. 

It was huge, it looked like an old factory, and the alley was divided with the rest of the place, by just metal junk.. I walked, until I came into an open space in the middle of the garage… 

My heart dropped a beat, when i saw someone tied by a huge rope to a chair, and i know who he is.. Although I can only see his back, I have known him for years, from the time I knew what love is.. 

He is my husband.. My tae.. I want to run to him, and free him, and hug him, but I can't do that.. So I stay in the place, and don’t move.. Until I heard a voice.. 

Man- kill him.. Why are you keeping him?? I want him dead.. 

Daejung- sir.. I know.. But it would be a big issue, if we kill him in the middle of everything.. He is a well known name in the media.. 

Man- hell with it.. I don’t care.. After so long, I caught him finally and I want him dead.. And if anything happens with the media, I will take the claim, who will hurt me???

Daejung- he has his allies.. 

Man chuckled- allies in the mafia world??? You are talking like you are a newbie… which you are not.. There is nothing called allies in this world.. Nobody will come after his body.. They will all be our allies.. 

Daejung- i will do as you ask sir.. But before that we have to finish the paperwork.. So that the girl doesn’t get the property, and we get everything…

Man sighed- how long will it take?? I want to be done with him.. He has finished my life, and the life of my daughter.. I want him dead.. 

Daejung bowed and the man left the area, from another alleyway.. Daejung stayed looking at the floor until the man was gone, and when he was gone, he looked up and looked at me, and placing his index finger on his lips, gestured to me to stay silent.. 

Daejung walked to tae, and started patting his cheeks, to wake him up.. I ran to him, and what I saw made my heart clench with fear.. 

Tae was senseless.. Blood all over his face and body.. His hands and feet tied with the chair.. I can’t move closer to him.. I stayed like a statue in the same place, while Daejung hurriedly went and brought a bottle of water, and started pouring water on his face.. 

And my sobbing went up.. 

Daejung- hushh.. You are a mafia’s wife.. Don’t cry like this.. Wipe your tears off, and take him home.. 

Yn- and you??

Daejung- i will manage everything…

Yn- he will kill you..

Daejung- i deserve to die.. 

Yn- mr.. plzz..

Daejung- don’t.. Take him. And leave immediately.. 

I went closer to Tae, and ran my hands through his hair, patting his cheeks to make him open his eyes.. His skin was warm, and there was blood everywhere.. It was bloody all over my hands.. 

Yn whispered- tae.. Tae.. baby.. Wake up.. Look.. I am here.. Wake up.. Open your eyes.. I am here.. Look.. 

Tae mumbled- ynahh.. You are here??? 

Yn- yes.. Come on.. Open your eyes, and come back home with me.. Come on..

Tae tried opening his eyes, and he could barely open them.. And he looked at me with half closed tired, bloodshot eyes..

Tae mumbled- what are you doing here?? Leave.. Now.. take care of yourself and the baby.. Leave.. Now.. 

Yn- shut up.. Be strong and come with me.. I don’t want to argue…

Daeung had already untied him, and I tried to make him stand, which was nearly impossible, as he is heavy, and he doesn't even have the tiniest strength in his body to move or stand… 

Daejung helped me in making him stand.. And tae flinched with his touch… 

Tae- what are you doing with him?? He is a bad guy…

Yn- ok ok.. Now first let's go home.. Then we can talk.. 

With great strength and by sheer determination tae stood up, balancing on me, and started walking on his right leg, while dragging his left one.. He was breathing really heavily.. But it is not the time to feel sad or angry or any other emotion for that matter.. All i need to do is to stay calm, and take him in my car and drive to hospital.. 

It was all going according to the plan, until we heard a noise.. The noise of laughter…

Man- hahaha.. What a scene…. Love.. look at these love birds, she is taking him back.. While being pregnant.. 

I don’t dare to stop, I have to stop, and not look back.. 

Man- okay.. Let's play a game.. You don’t look back, and if I feel like I will shoot you both.. It would be great to kill all three of you in this instance.. 

My heart beat like crazy, and tae eyes were bloodshot.. 

Tae mumbled- leave me, and just go.. Save our baby.. Plz.. 

Yn- no.. I will not leave without you.. If I have to die, then I will.. But I will not let you go.. That is my promise.. 

Tae- ynaah.. Why are you so stubborn??

Yn- bcz i am your wife.. I will not leave you.. 

The man continued laughing.. And we heard another noise.. 

Daejung- sir.. Leave them.. I am here.. I freed him.. Leave them plz.. 

Man shouted- I knew it.. You were protecting that bastard.. And now you are protecting his unborn baby.. 

Daejung- leave him sir.. I am here.. Take me.. 

Man- no.. I want him dead.. And my daughter died for him.. 

Both of us were still walking.. Moving forward.. 

Suddenly I heard a gunshot, and my mind went numb….

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