43. I Can't Stay Away From Him

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I breathe deeply in his scent.. I feel his body heat radiating through his clothes.. Tae stood straight, a few moments.. But after that he turned towards me.. Making me part away from him.. I look down to my feet, and he stands there, tall, towering over me.. Both of his hands came to my face and cupped my face, made me look up at him.. I look up at him.. His face is calm.. He rubbed the thumb of his right hand on my left cheek, like always.. 

Tae- it's alright.. 

He smiled.. A calm forgiving smile.. A teardrop escaped my eyes.. And he wiped it real fast.. 

Tae- hey.. Why are you crying again?? Aren’t you satisfied enough crying in the washroom??

I stayed silent.. Tears forming in my eyes.. No matter what the matter is, if it is his fault or mine, but I can't fight with him, I can't stay away from him.. 

Tae- don’t baby.. Plz.. don’t cry.. You don’t look good, crying.. Look, your nose and cheeks are all red.. 

He chuckled.. And pulled me into a hug.. My head buried in his chest, and his face resting on my head.. 

Yn- I am sorry.. 

We parted and he looked down at me.. 

Tae- i said it is fine.. You don’t have to say it again..

Yn- but let me talk.. Look.. tae.. You are older than me, my guardian, and I shouted at you, and no matter who is right and who is wrong, I should never shout at you.. I disrespected you.. I am sorry.. I really am..

Tae- you forgot yn.. I am your fiance now.. So I am equal to you.. And people have these kinds of fights while living together.. 

Yn- but still.. 

Tae put his index finger on my lips… 

Tae- hushhh… don’t talk.. Let's go eat.. I am hungry.. And you threw up everything.. So we need to eat.. 

Yn- i am hungry too.. 

Tae- but i am telling you this.. No matter how sick you are, you have to cook for me.. Plz.. make something for me.. 

He made a pout.. And I smiled..

Yn- okay.. What do you want to eat?? 

Tae- tteokbokki.. 

Yn- okay.. 

He started walking in front of me holding my hand.. 

Tae- you like my office?? 

Yn- office??

Tae- ya.. This is my office here.. You know I need to do urgent work, and I had to go to the office in the middle of night, or in the morning in our previous house, but I don't like it.. So I made an office here.. So I can spend more time with you..

I laughed..

Yn- more time with me or more time working??

He smiled sheepishly.. 

Tae- you also have a lot of work to do.. So you are also gonna spend a lot of time working.. You know I am very strict about work.. 

I laughed.. When we entered the kitchen, Anna was there working.. She is always doing something or the other.. Seeing us she greeted us..

Anna- maam.. What do you want to eat for dinner??

Yn- anna.. Actually I am going to cook.. You can rest.. 

Anna smiled seeing me smiling.. 

Anna- okay ma'am.. Ask me if you need anything.. 

I nodded with a smile.. We formed an unknown bond in just one day.. When she left the kitchen tae, sat on the counter stool, looking at me.. I went to the fridge and pulled out the rice cake, vegetable, and fish cake.. I also tried finding other spices that I need for cooking.. Checking all the counters i cannot find any of them.. And finally I saw them on the highest counter of the shelf.. I tried my best to get there and get the spices, by jumping as much as i can, but i can’t.. So I turned and looked at him, my eyes pleading for him to help me.. He came to me, and stood way too near me, looking down at me with his intense gaze… 

Yn- what?? Help me.. 

Tae smirked and pulled the containers out as I asked him.. After all the things were out I started working.. I am trying my best to cook as fast as possible, bczz both of us didn’t eat anything at lunch.. But I notice a constant gaze of tae on me.. He is staring at me, with his head resting on his right hand.. But I decided not to ask him the reason, as it will only make my cooking slower.. 

After the cooking is done.. I started taking out the bowls to eat.. 

Tae- no no.. I will do the serving.. 

He came hurriedly to the kitchen, and started finding the bowls that he likes and took them out of the cabinet.. He then started placing the chopsticks and the spoon on the table and I poured the food in the bowl.. And we both sat and it was time to eat.. 

Tae took a bite of the rice cake..

Tae- umm.. Ynahhh.. It is so tasty.. Perfect spice level.. 

Yn- you mean not spicy at all.. 

We both laughed, and ate our food…

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