50. Lies And Hidden Secrets..

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When I entered the kitchen, Anna looked at me… and smiled.. 

Anna- kitchen is all yours.. 

I smiled.. 

Yn- thank you.. 

Lisa helped me in cooking.. She cut the vegetables and meat for me.. Tae was not here with me.. I know he has a problem showing his love in front of other people.. Otherwise he would come with me and sit in the bar area just to stare at me.. 

Lisa- i can’t believe he asked me to be his sister..

Yn- haha… I told you.. He is not that scary.. 

Lisa- i guess… but his face is itself very scary.. 

Yn- ya.. But very handsome.. 

Lisa- that is true.. 

??- so i am famous among your friends too ynaaa..

We both turned to the direction of the voice.. And we found Tae standing far away.. 

Yn- were you listening to us??

Tae- i was not.. I just heard it on the way here.. 

Lisa- oppa.. That is not nice..

Tae- why??

Yn- bcz you don’t listen to girls talk.. 

Tae- and why is that??

Lisa- bcz we have personal stuff to talk about.. Secret stuff..

Tae- yn doesn’t have any secrets from me.. Do you yn??

He looked at me directly in my eyes.. And my nerves started to betray me.. He would be right.. I never lie to him.. But not now.. Now I am lying to him.. Actually this is not lying.. I am just not telling him the truth but I am also not telling him anything false.. No technically it is holding the truth for sometime.. Not lying.. I gave myself the reason.. And now I can breathe.. And I sighed.. 

Tae- what are you thinking??

I relaxed myself.. 

Yn- not thinking, counting the number of lies i told you.. 

Lisa and I both started laughing.. Tae rolled his eyes at me.. 

Soon we cooked dinner and sat at the dinner table.. I served tae and lisa food.. And as usual he first took a bite without waiting for us.. 

Yn- how is it??
Tae- great.. As usual… 

I smiled and sat beside him.. We were eating when his left hand touched my thighs.. And i looked at him, thinking he may want something.. But he didn’t looked back me.. Rather he was listening to Lisa intently about her future plans.. Maybe it is an intuitive thing, so I focus on eating more.. I also started talking about lisa’s family and his love life.. When his hand started rubbing my thighs.. And i looked at him again, and he didn’t again.. Finally i decided to ask him.. 

Yn- do you want something?? 

Tae- no.. 

And I pointed my eyes to his hand, he looked, and smirked and again focused on the food.. This man.. He always makes me go crazy.. Why is he like that?? 

After finishing the food, Lisa started cleaning the kitchen.. When I went to help her, she asked me to wash up, as I shouldn't work too much.. And I went to shower.. I stripped myself from my clothes.. I looked at the long mirror on the wall. I don’t know who has a full length mirror in the washroom, but I looked at myself.. I turned around to my side and back and front, and starring at my body… 

My body looked just like the way it looked some days before.. Maybe a little bit skinnier.. Which I got before going to Paris, but I didn't have the time to recover and then this pregnancy, so i think i look skinny.. Also that my skin looks pale.. I don’t like that.. This nausea and continuous throwing up i hate that feeling.. My stomach does look the same way it was before pregnancy.. But although I know it will not show anything for months, I still turn around and try to notice any difference.. I love the way the little bunbun is in my tummy, growing… i hopp on the shower.. I want to take a quick bath and go to bed.. This is the only way to stop myself from thinking.. I started the shower, when the hot water hit my body, I closed my eyes, feeling all the tension and stress melting away from my body.. Suddenly I felt hot breathing behind my ear.. And instantly I know who it is.. 

Yn- what are you doing here??

Tae- showering.. 

Yn- you showered before.. 

Tae- i was feeling like showering again.. 

Yn- with me??

Tae- always baby.. 

I feel his voice being deep and heavy.. He kissed behind my ear.. And my breath hitched.. 

Tae- did you really lie to me??

Yn- what?? 

Tae- you told me that you are counting the lies you told me… 

Yn- that was a joke.. 

Tae- then you didn’t??

I turned to face him.. His body naked, the shower was on our head, his hair drenched wet, water streaming down his body.. I looked up to face him, his eyes looking down at me… 

Yn- i never lie to you.. May be there are stuffs, that i am not comfortable telling you at the moment, so i don’t tell the stuff.. But when i processed it better i always tell you that.. 

Tae- so are you not telling me something now?? 

Yn- why do you think so?? 

Tae- just asking.. 

Yn- don’t.. 

Tae just stayed silent.. 

Yn- who is the wildflower??

Tae smirked- i was thinking why didn’t you ask me this question yet..

Yn- i didn’t have the time..

Tae- that is a code name for a specific detective i hired for a specific work.. 

Yn- what work??

Tae- can’t tell you right now..

Yn- see.. You are not telling me stuff, bcz you haven’t processed it, or the work isn’t finished yet.. Like that I also do the same thing.. 

Tae- you smart mouth.. You were planning this all along.. Didn’t you?? 

I smiled sheepishly.. 

He pulled me in and gave an open mouthed kiss.. 

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