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Author's POV:

Beep, beep, beep, beep.

Ace Salvatore's eyes snapped open to the persistent beeping of his alarm, a feeling of irritation washed over him, disrupting his peaceful slumber.

Annoyed but disciplined, he rose from the warmth of his bed and reached for a towel to wrap around his lean body.

He made his way towards his bedroom because he doesn't have any sexual relations in his bedroom.

After completing his morning routine and donning a sleek black suit that complemented his fit physique.

Then he was faced with a reliable figure stepped into his path – Ivan Smith, a man who had transitioned effortlessly from bodyguard and assistant to confidant and friend.

"Buongiorno capo ( Good morning Boss)" Ivan intoned, the words carrying a sense of familiarity tempered by respect.

Ace acknowledged the greeting with a curt nod, his eyes momentarily betraying a flicker of warmth before settling back into an icy mask that had long become his trademark.

He maintained his usual composed demeanor, a facade Ace chose to keep intact even among close companions like Ivan.

"Capo le spedizioni sono arrivate, le armi sono pronte per la spedizione. Cosa dovremmo fare con il capo Larry? ( Boss the shipments are arrived, weapons are ready for shipment. What should we do with Larry boss?)" Ivan inquired, walking a few steps behind Ace.

Ace hates one thing - betrayal. Which Larry has done already.

"Manda le armi al secondo quartier generale e uccidilo (Send the weapons to the second headquarters, and kill him.)" Ace instructed, his voice carrying an air of finality.

"Si Capo (Yes boss.)" Ivan acknowledged the order, knowing that in their world, loyalty was paramount, and betrayals had severe consequences.

Pit-a-pat, pit-a-pat.

As the sound of their footsteps reverberated throughout the vast corridors of the mansion, everyone hurried to their predetermined positions, the anticipation palpable in the air.

With hearts racing and palms sweating from the overwhelming sense of fear that gripped them, each individual braced themselves for the impending encounter, their anxiety almost tangible in the tense atmosphere.

Taking a seat, Ace observed Melinda, the main cook who had faithfully served the Salvatore family for generations.

As she skillfully and discreetly served the meal, a subtle tension lingering between them as their eyes briefly met, betraying the mutual wariness that existed.

Despite Ace's trust in Melinda's loyalty, a lingering sense of unease still flickered within her gaze, hinting at a deep-seated fear that remained.

Amidst the exchange of information shared by Ivan regarding the day's mafia dealings and ongoing meetings.

Ace navigated the volatile world of organized crime and his own rapidly expanding business endeavors with practiced expertise, seamlessly treading the fine line between power and peril.

Juggling the responsibilities of his infamous status as a mafia leader and running a legitimate side business served as a welcome distraction, offering him a rest from the haunting memories of his past that often threatened to resurface.

And his friends also helped him a lot.

Ace POV:

Irritated, annoyed, and consumed with anger - these turbulent emotions are swirling within me right now, stirring a tumultuous sea of unrest.

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