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Iris POV:

"NO!" I exclaimed, my eyes widening in disbelief at his shameless statement.

He grumbled in response, his face burying itself into the soft curve of my breasts. The sensation was both intimate and overwhelming, and I could feel the heat of his breath against my skin.

A sharp hiss escaped my lips as he bit down gently on my areola, sending a jolt of sensation through me.

"Ace!" I whined, trying to push his face away, feeling a blend of discomfort and pleasure.

He chuckled softly, his laughter vibrating against my chest as he tightened his embrace around me.

"Ok. Ok. I will not do anything," he murmured, his voice muffled as he greedily rubbed his cheeks against my soft breast. Shameless.

We had intercourse like so hard and

The evidence of our passion was all around us—my chest was covered in love bites and marks, while his neck bore the marks of my bites.

The blanket was a tangled mess around us and we were just..Talking.

It was 10 in the morning, and being a Sunday, we had the luxury of lazing around.

Our usual mornings were filled with passion. We had sex—a lot of it. And it was always hard, intense, and consuming.

I think I am addicted to sex. Specifically with him. Only him.

He was snuggled comfortably against my breasts, and I was gently stroking his hair, enjoying the warmth of our closeness.

But then, he asked me something that took me completely by surprise.

This man, with all his confidence and audacity, had made the most shameless request I had ever encountered.

He wanted to shave my vagina—my kitty, cunt, nectar, pussy, or whatever term we used to refer to it.

The thought of it made my cheeks flush, and I couldn't help but feel a mix of amusement and disbelief at his words.

"Someday I will do it, then why not now? Like... you know, practice," he said, his lips brushing against my jaw in a tender kiss.

"No... it's bad and... ugh... dirty," I replied, scrunching my nose in discomfort at the thought.

"But not for me," he whispered, his voice filled with earnest affection. "Everything is beautiful and pure for me when it comes to you." He kissed my cheeks, his lips lingering softly against my skin.

I looked at him, shaking my head firmly.

"Fine... but! I am always ready to do so, don't hesitate to ask me," he said with a lazy, almost mischievous smile

I couldn't help but smile at his persistence and sighed in resignation.

We went back to our previous position, cocooned inside the blanket.

The night before, after the party incident, Ace had instructed me to take two days off.

Well... dude... did he think I would say No.

Freaking yes! After all, who in their right mind would turn down an opportunity for a break when it was offered so generously?

Sweet daddy.

As the morning light filtered through the window, Ace asked, "Amore mio, are you hungry?" His voice was gentle and caring.

"Maybe," I murmured, my voice still sleepy but affectionate.

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