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Iris POV:

I stood in the dim light of the New York subway station, my nerves tingling with anticipation.

"Are you sure, you're okay?"Quinn's worried inquiry mirrored my own unease, but I offered a nod of assurance, though my tapping feet betrayed my anxiety.

Glancing at the clock, the early hour only served to heighten my anticipation as I awaited Aiden's arrival.

Minutes stretched into eternity, each second adding to the weight of anticipation.

Pacing back and forth, I struggled to contain my restless energy until Caleb's sudden embrace pulled me from my thoughts.

My eyes were wide.

"It's okay, Iris calm down," he reassured, stroking my hair.

I cleared my throat and backed away from him, quickly.


The tension reached its peak as Aiden's arrival shattered the silence.

His stoic gaze sent a shiver down my spine, but his wide smile dissolved my fears.

He came and picked me up, hugging me tightly.

"I missed you," He whispered, squeezing me into his arms.

"Really," I implored, curiously.

"Of course! Can't I miss my sister?" he retorted, grabbing my bag.

"Hey," Quinn's enthusiastic greeting interrupted our talk.

Aiden greeted Quinn and Caleb, a knowing smirk directed at me.

We left the station, Caleb heading back to Newark.

Despite my protests, Caleb insisted on dropping us off.

Trust me it's so hard for me to say NO. Even if I did, they insist so much.

I am an idiot.

Thankfully he agreed with me this time.

Seated inside the car, Aiden took the driver's seat.

"Trust me, everyone is eagerly waiting for you at home," he assured me.

I offered him a tight smile and a nod of acknowledgment.

"Freaking hell, you didn't tell me they're rich," Quinn whispered suspiciously.

"I know, Quinn. There are so many things I haven't told you," I replied, feeling the weight of my secrets.

"You know Hudson is so desperate to see you," he said, chuckling making me smile warmly.

Quinn and Aiden continued their lively conversation.

As they chattered away, I couldn't help but wonder how they could talk so freely.

They just met.

Then he told me about the guys and how they all are.

Despite their attempts to distract me, I couldn't shake the feeling of anxiety gnawing at me from within.

After 15 minutes, we arrived at a grand mansion.

Classy and elegant.

Stepping out of the car, Quinn's delighted squeal filled the air.

As I surveyed the surroundings, my heart sank at the sight of Ares standing there, his expression unreadable..

If Ares is here then Ace..

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