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Ace POV:

I took a long sigh and looked over the watch.

The clock struck past 5 in the morning as the rays of sun started to peek through the curtains.

I was in a side lying position as her head was resting on my arms, sleeping peacefully. 

My hands stroked her bare shoulder as I gazed at her pretty little face.

I told her to take out the useless fabric from her body at night except her panties. 

She did it, not that easily, more like scared.

Her dainty hands were resting beside her head, her curly hair splayed over the pillow.

She was terrified to sleep with me last night.

Now she's sleeping like a newborn baby.

Her legs were lying on top of my knees, while the blanket was resting on her upper chest.

I wetted my lips as I looked at her with anticipation. Fuck it.

I slowly lowered the blanket, setting it on her hip bone.

Her magnificent chest, protruding nipples, and curved small waist were all exposed to my lewd eyes.

I hovered over her slowly because my Mini didn't sleep at night in fear.

“Mm.” A faint whimper left her lips as a frown formed on her head.

I hummed a soft tune as my hand stroked her head, gently.

Soon her face muscles loosened, and she slipped into her sleep.

A smile formed on my lips as I saw a mole under her right breast. Pretty girl.

I further lowered the blanket, in excitement.

A twin mole on her hips, and a little mole on her left and right leg.

An audible whine heard to my ears as I was looking at her ankle.

When I gazed up, my eyes got locked with the brown eyes, which were staring at me in confusion and fear.

A sigh left my lips as I lazily laid beside her but my half body was still on her.

She took a deep breath and looked away.

“Mini," I husked, siding her soft baby hairs.

A soft hum left from her throat in response.

“You look so beautiful baby," I murmured, kissing her cheeks.

“T-Thank you," her voice came out as a whisper.

I frowned and hovered over her completely.

She's so fucking tiny.

I leaned down till our faces were so close to each other.

“B-B-Bathroom," she whispered, panicking.

I placed my finger under her chin and tilted it up.

She looked away, breathing heavily.

My hand palmed her jaw and made her look at me.

Our lips were almost touching.

A loud whimper left her throat as her eyes looked at me in fear.

I sighed and left her jaw, placing a chaste kiss on her temple.

I dipped my head around her neck and just lay there.

Her heart was beating so fast.

“Relax," I murmured, pecking her neck.

“Are you scared of me Mini?," I asked, coldly.

His Mini BearWhere stories live. Discover now