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Author POV:

It was 8:30 at night when Ace finally stirred from his extended nap.

Having slept through half the day without the aid of any medication, he was disoriented and groggy as he opened his eyes.

He shook his head, trying to rid himself of the foggy haze that clung to his thoughts, and felt a loud grumble from his stomach, reminding him that he hadn't eaten all day.

He dragged himself out of bed and went through his usual routine to freshen up.

His thoughts, however, remained preoccupied with the absence of Iris.

As he made his way to the kitchen, his eyes darted around, searching for the familiar sight of the small figure he had become so accustomed to seeing.

To his dismay, she was nowhere to be found.

Melinda, who had just finished clearing the plates and was headed back to the kitchen, noticed Ace's concerned expression.

"Where's Iris?" Ace asked abruptly.

Melinda paused, looking slightly puzzled. "I don't know, Boss. I haven't seen her around.".

Ace nodded curtly, dismissing Melinda and telling her to attend to her duties.

Determined to distract himself from the unsettling thoughts that plagued him, Ace decided to reach out to Athena.

He dialed her number and arranged for his driver to pick her up and bring her to the mansion.

In the midst of his confusion and discontent, Athena seemed like the only distraction capable of pulling him away from the constant, nagging presence of Iris in his thoughts.



Athena stood outside the mansion, her eyes wide with admiration.

She had seen many luxurious homes in her time, but this one was something else entirely.

The grandeur of the mansion was undeniable, with its stately architecture and sprawling grounds that hinted at the wealth and power of its owner.

Ivan guided her through the mansion's luxurious halls to a guest room.

As he left her there, Athena took a moment to appreciate the room's plush furnishings and elegant decor.

The room exuded an aura of sophistication and indulgence, a stark contrast to her usual surroundings.

When Athena entered the room, she was greeted by the sight of Ace lounging near the window, lost in thought.

He was shirtless, his muscular torso on display, and his jeans hung low on his hips.

The way he stood, casually drinking wine while staring outside, was undeniably alluring.

His demeanor was effortlessly captivating, and Athena felt a shiver of anticipation run down her spine.

Ace's voice broke the silence, cutting through her reverie. "Strip and lay down, whore."

There was no hesitation in Athena's movements. She was accustomed to being summoned like this, and she understood exactly what was expected of her.

Her fingers moved quickly, shedding her clothes with practiced ease. As she disrobed, she could feel her excitement building.

Her body was already aching for his touch, her skin tingling in anticipation. She was dripping wet.

With a sultry glance and a seductive smile, she approached the bed.

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