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Iris POV:

He was staring at me angrily while smoking, his gaze sharp and unforgiving.

God, please save me tonight.

He started to walk toward me, his footsteps echoing in the quiet night. He stood directly in front of me, his presence looming large and intimidating.

I closed my eyes, bracing myself for a possible slap, but it never came.

When I cautiously opened one eye, I saw him just staring at me, emotionless. I hurriedly opened both eyes, my heart pounding in my chest.

He bent down slightly and blew the smoke from his cigarette directly in front of my face.

The acrid smell filled my nostrils, making me cough uncontrollably as I tapped my chest firmly, trying to clear my throat.

A satisfied, almost sinister smile curled on his lips. He looked every bit the evil man he was reputed to be.

"You're late. Why is that?" he asked, his voice low but filled with menace.

"Work," I mumbled under my breath.

Suddenly, he yanked off my hood and grabbed my jaw with a vice-like grip. The pressure was intense, and I winced in pain.

"You think I am stupid, Iris?" he demanded, his voice rising with each word.

A whimper escaped my lips as he pulled me up by my jaw, his face close enough that I could see the cold fury in his eyes.

His grip was painfully tight, and I could feel my jaw protesting against the pressure.

I turned my head to the side, exposing my left cheek to him. I winced in pain as his grip dug into my skin, and tears began to well up in my eyes.

You're short, Iris.

Shut up, it's not time for jokes.

"I... I g-got busy... w-with my... f-friend," I stammered, the words coming out in a pained whisper.

The pressure on my right cheek was becoming unbearable, and I started to cry, the pain forcing me to sob quietly.

Suddenly, he released me, and I stumbled backward, trying to regain my balance.

He stood there, his jaw clenched, and gave me one last, piercing look before he turned on his heel and walked away.

"Stand here for one hour," he said, his voice carrying a note of finality. "Don't move."

I watched him go, the tension in my body slowly ebbing away.

The punishment wasn't new to me; Helen had often made me stand outside as a form of punishment when I forgot her medicines—or rather, her drugs.

The cold night air bit at my skin, but I was more grateful that he didn't beat me.

I was staring into the sky when I suddenly felt raindrops on my cheeks. It seemed like even God had turned against me tonight.

The first few drops were gentle, but then a rumble of thunder echoed ominously across the sky, followed by an eerie silence.

The calm was so profound that I could hear the rapid rhythm of my own breaths.

And then, without warning, the rain began to pour in earnest.

The raindrops were now a relentless downpour, drenching me through. I stood there, sobbing quietly, letting the rain mix with my tears.

The cold droplets felt oddly soothing against my flushed, tear-streaked face.

Again a loud crack of thunder was heard making me flinch hard.

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