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Ace POV:

"You can't find him! Are you fucking kidding me! Find him before I cut all your necks. Dismissed! ", I shouted, my irritation barely contained. My voice echoed through the room, each word a stark reminder of the urgency of the situation.

Everyone nodded their heads in synchronized agreement and scattered quickly, eager to avoid further wrath and keen on finding Noah as swiftly as possible.

I left the office, the weight of my frustration pressing heavily on my shoulders after hours of fruitless yelling.

Noah's disappearance gnawed at me, and the fact that no one could locate him only heightened my anger.

If I tell Liam, he will locate Noah within an hour.

Liam is the best hacker in our group, a genius with computers and information.

If they find out about Iris, it will cause a huge drama at my house, and I despise unnecessary dramas.

Hudson, in particular, doesn't trust me when it comes to girls. He thinks I'm a FUCK BOY.

It's a label I've come to resent, but I can't say he's entirely wrong.

I touch them with their consent and never a virgin. So, I am a fuck gentleman I say.

Iris, though, is different. She's just wandering around the house like a snail, always silently moving in the corners and cleaning something.

Silent, shy and submissive.

"Boss," Ivan called out, grabbing my attention as we arrived at the mansion.

The drive had been tense, my mind racing with thoughts of how to handle the situation.

"I'm not deaf, Ivan," I replied calmly, though I could feel his glare.

It didn't matter; it's not like he never messes with me.

As I entered the mansion, my eyes instinctively searched for the snail, but she was nowhere to be found.

I have to admit, she sometimes amuses me and keeps me curious.

Her quiet demeanor and peculiar habits were a strange source of entertainment in my otherwise chaotic life.

Last time, I saw her at the kitchen sink, playing with the dishes.

The sink was filled with water, and the utensils were floating while she made two cups 'fight,' saying, "Who sent you here? Who is your boss?" as she pushed the utensils under the water.

It was an odd sight, yet strangely endearing.

I opened the bedroom door, but she wasn't there either. The room was as I had left it, with no sign of her presence.

Suddenly, I heard faint sniffing sounds coming from the wardrobe.

Curious and a bit concerned, I opened it and found Iris sitting behind the clothes, crying.

She had pulled the hood of her dress over her head and was rubbing her nose with her sleeves, using them like a makeshift handkerchief.

Her small, delicate frame seemed even smaller as she hunched over, trying to hide from the world.

Would it make me a sadist if I said I found her cute when she cried?

Not in a painful way, but in a way that made her seem vulnerable and endearing

"What happened, Bambi? Why are you crying?" I asked, sighing as I gently lifted her out of the cramped space.

How on earth did she fit inside that tiny area?

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