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Iris POV:

"Please, Susan," I pleaded, wrapping my arms around hers and squeezing tightly.

She sighed, but her gaze remained fixed on the tablet screen, her attention seemingly absorbed by whatever was displayed there.

I found myself in Hudson's house, having been dropped off by one of the guards. 

Everyone was present in the hall except for Liam and Alex.

"Iris, it's not our place to tell it, ask Ace," Aiden said with a sigh, his expression troubled.

"You will be late for college," Hudson reminded me, checking his watch.

I left the empty house at 6 in the morning, but Ace was nowhere to be found.

"What is he hiding? Why did he behave so differently?" I demanded, my gaze shifting accusingly between the others in the room.

"Iris, it's better if you don't know it because if you did, then you can't have a reason to love him, only fear him more," Susan said, her tone devoid of emotion.

"But you all stick with him," I argued, feeling frustrated and confused.

"Because we are raised in families where blood and killing are casual," Leo explained, his voice heavy with resignation.

I nodded, trying to grasp the weight of their words and the world they lived in.

"Iris, did you see our families visiting us?" Hudson asked, his tone carrying a hint of curiosity.

"No, why? Are they all dead?" I blurted out, surprised by the implication.

Felix let out a soft chuckle and shook his head. "No, our family gave us a choice to choose between them and Ace, and we chose him, unfortunately."

"Why?" I felt a rush of emotions flooding through me, confusion mingling with curiosity.

"Because we care for him," Hudson replied, his voice calm yet resolute, revealing a depth of loyalty that left me speechless.

"Even our families don't want us to be with him, so I think it will be good if you don't dig into it," Felix said, his tone tinged with a hint of resignation.

"Iris, Ace is not a man who could live a normal life, no matter how much he tries. He's dangerous, but still, he loves you, and that's absolutely bad. Worst thing," Susan added, her words heavy with warning.

"So, if you want to love him, then stop trying to know about his past," she concluded, walking away, leaving me with a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts.

"Why? Did he kill...his parents or someone brutally?" I asked, the uncertainty evident in my voice, as I struggled to grasp the gravity of the situation.

"That's not even 20% of what he had done," Aiden said, handing me my bag as I stood up and adjusted my jacket.

"So, he has some trauma," I asked, walking out of the house with Hudson by my side.

"No, he's fine," Hudson replied calmly.

We settled inside the car, and Hudson took the wheel, driving us away from the house. A comfortable silence enveloped us.

"So, you all think I am making a mistake by loving him," I asked, searching for reassurance in Hudson's expression.

He frowned, his eyes fixed on the road ahead. "I... I don't know. Only time could tell that," he replied with a sigh.

"He never loved anyone, you said. Then why did he love me?" I pressed, feeling a mix of confusion and vulnerability.

"Maybe..." Hudson trailed off, his gaze meeting mine. "You remind him of something that he wants to forget," he finished cryptically.

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