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Ace POV:

I slicked back my hair, perfectly and wore my tie.

My eyes diverted towards the tanned soft skin peeking out from the fur blanket.

She lay on her stomach, her disheveled hair and slightly parted pink lips adding to her irresistible allure.

The blanket gracefully draped over her lower back, accentuating her captivating curves.

Two delicate black moles adorned her sculpted back, evoking a sense of serenity within me.

I still remember that day. A normal day.

Turning around, a genuine smile spread across my face as I met my reflection in the mirror.

I felt a surge of confidence and anticipation for the day ahead.

However, the ringing of my phone interrupted the moment, and I swiftly answered the call, determined not to disturb her peaceful slumber.

"What?" my voice came out roughly than I intended.

"Meeting at 8 am sharp, we all will arrive at past 7:30 am" I heard Alex's voice then he hung up.

Perhaps the carefree moments of that day were now fleeting memories.

The leisurely hours spent at home, casually indulging in whatever captured my interest, lazily strolling through the streets with my Mini, and then reveling in a night of passionate lovemaking.

It was a sweet paradise that seemed momentarily out of reach.

It was 6 in the morning.

I woke up at 4, worked out for 2 hours and now I'm ready to leave for work.

Today, Su will drop her at university.

The witch is professional at driving cars.

I sat beside her, removing the hairs from her back.

She stirred when my frigid hands made contact with her skin.

A distressed moan left her lips and rolled over on her back.

The fur blanket slid out of her body, making my cock twitch. For her.

The blanket tightly tangled on her hips, her upper body fully exposed to my lewd eyes.

The sharp collar bone, soft nipples looking at me seductively, little and slightly curvy waist, and that damn mole beside her belly button– it all elicited a primal response within me. Freaking Fuck.

I grabbed the blanket and covered her body.

Her eyes fluttered open, squinting against the morning light, and she rubbed her eyes sleepily.

"Time" her voice came out as soft lullaby.

"Past 6 am" I murmured, kissing her forehead tenderly.

"Give me a kiss, before I leave for work, pretty girl" I grumbled.

A faint giggle escaped her lips, filling the room with pure bliss.

"Let me brush my teeth" She sat up, stretching her hands.

"No, I want it now" my voice came out gruffly.

She wetted her lower lips and shook her head.

Her eyes widened suddenly when my lips touched her satiny lips.

My lips moved, sucking her lips delicately like a candy that I always wanted and taking my time to taste it, slowly.

Her hands caressed my cheek like I was a fragile feather.

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