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Ace POV:

I often wonder how I ended up feeling like this; it's as if I've been plunged into the depths of hell.

It's bewildering that a little girl could have such a profound impact on me, wrapping me so effortlessly around her tiny finger.

This 5′1" girl with big brown eyes, gentle curves, and a shy demeanor has me completely entranced, consumed by a sick obsession that I never thought possible.

And yet, despite the insanity of it all, I don't regret it for a moment.

It was my own doing, after all - I allowed her to captivate me, willingly stepping into the web she'd spun and falling for her with my eyes wide open.

As I rolled over in bed with a sigh of contentment, I couldn't help but feel rejuvenated from the long hours of sleep.

My muscles relaxed blissfully.

Today, I arrived at the mansion at 10 in the morning.

Since my work commitments had ended earlier than expected.

This serendipitous change of plans meant that I could finally return to my Mini.

Who'd been attending university religiously since 8 a.m. every day - punctuality being one of her many virtues.

The clock struck five and she still hadn't returned home yet.

I refused to admit that I was sulking in my room for hours, desperately waiting for her arrival.

Almost as if knowing just how whipped and unashamedly devoted I was to her brought both pride and torment simultaneously.

I covered the blankets to my face and groaned in irritants.

I heard she made a new friend at university. Her name was Beli...Neli or something like that.

This piece of news came as a surprise to me because she had always been one to avoid the rich, spoiled brats that the university was filled with.

But there she was now, making new friends in the least likely of places.


My eyes cracked open when the door swung open.

"Aiden is sprawled out in MY room, AGAIN!" she declared.

My spirits lifted at the sound of her voice, reminding me just how much I missed her presence.

Aiden! What the hell!

Does that mean Aiden stays here with her in my absence?

As I cast the blanket aside, my gaze fell upon her as she stepped into the bathroom.

Hudson was practically begging me to come quick because of Aiden and Iris. 

Those two were like siblings, always stirring up trouble. If you didn't keep an eye on them, it felt like the whole house might just blow up one day.

I lounged against the headboard, mindlessly scrolling through my phone as a sense of giddy excitement bubbled within me, almost childlike in its intensity. 

It was surreal to think that someone like me could be so captivated by a woman.

Just then, the door swung open, and I caught a glimpse of her back as she entered the room.

She turned around after closing the door, a stack of clothes in her grasp, her gaze fixed on the garments.

"Aiden, why are you shirtless?" she grumbled, depositing the clothes into the closet.

His Mini BearWhere stories live. Discover now