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Ace POV:

I bit my tongue, cursing myself.

For the past two days.

She is avoiding me but she talks to me.

She is ignoring me but at the same time, she's not.

Ugh...Fuck me!

Last night she slept on the couch.

No good night, no massages, she didn't even glanced at me when I entered the room.

She makes breakfast, lunch, and dinner and eats with me.

But in uncomfortable silence.

She only talks with me when I ask her to do something and when she asks me if I want something to eat.

That's it.

I was angry and irritated at that time when I said those words.

I regret it.

But I didn't tell her to stop talking to me.

I straightened my posture as a knock on the door interrupted my thoughts.

"Come in," I said, organizing the dishelved table.

A petite figure came inside carrying a tray. My Mini.

Her head hung low as the few strands of her hair brushed past against her forehead.

Gently, she placed the tea on the table and started to walk away, silently.

She didn't even bother to look at me. Stubborn.

My eyes lit up as she stopped in her tracks, suddenly.

"Ace," she murmured, turning around.

"Are you free tomorrow?" She asked, looking at her hands like she has six fingers now.

"No," I said, coldly.

She nodded and left.

Maybe I am being stubborn.

I stood up ready to talk to her and maybe apologize or something.

But I heard my phone buzzing.

Of course!

I picked up the call, irritatingly.

"Ace, Ace, my dear friend," I heard Ivan's voice.

I clenched my jaw and bit my tongue hard.

"What do you want?" I replied, peevishly.

"OK, straight to the point," he said and paused.

I heard shuffling sounds and he cleared his throat.

"Let's meet tomorrow at 6 in the evening, in your mansion," he said in a delightful tone.

"Just us, boss," he added, persuasively.

"If you played your tricks. I will tell my man to kill your little bear. She's not always safe," he laughed and ended the call.

I released a breath, calming myself.

Where in the hell is he hiding?

It was already past 10 in the night.

Is Ivan also related to the royal family?

If he was not, then he wouldn't need to show the tape to my friends.

No one in the world saw what happened that night.

His Mini BearWhere stories live. Discover now