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Ace POV:

Give her time” Aiden squeezed my shoulder comfortingly. 

I sighed and rubbed my face, frustratingly. 

“Ace, Susan is with her. Give her some…time” Hudson murmured. 

“She's fine, just a little shaken from everything” He uttered, worried. 

I groaned as my mind couldn't stop thinking. It was 12 in the morning. 

If I didn't go to the cafe it wouldn't have happened. But I did. Why

Because Aiden said she's at a cafe WITH A BOY. I want to kill Aiden. 

A groan left my throat and I rolled over. Alex and I destroyed the cafe to ashes and gave money to the cafe owner as an apology and Hudson escorted Iris to his house, safely. 

And…since the evening I didn't see her because she's afraid to see me. I am not surprised though because the sight she saw that time was not so..comforting or good to see. Especially for her. 

I sat up and a deep sigh left my lips as I touched my shoulder. 

A bastard slashed his knife on my shoulder. Just the tip of his knife went inside my flesh but I stabbed his eyes, pleasurably. 

My ears perked up as I heard a sound outside. Like a shuffling sound. 

I went towards the door and took a deep breath. 

Its definitely not my friends or the guards. 

I backed away and opened the door, discreetly. 

My cold eyes softened as I saw the little figure in front of me. My Mini. 

Her eyes looked at me, amused. 

“H..h-hey” She fiddled with her sweater, anxiously. 

“Mini” My voice came out gruffly as a soft sigh left my lips. 

Her eyes glanced at my shoulder, frowning. 

“Did take the tablets?” She mumbled. 

I extend my hand towards her. 

She looked between my free hand and my face, frowning. 

Slowly, she raised her hand and put it over mine. 

Her dainty palms felt so fragile against my calloused ones. 

I gently pulled her inside, pulling her inside the dark room. Into the darkness. 

She gripped my waist and looked at me, gulping. 

I closed the door and locked it. I placed my hand on her waist and pulled her close to me, desperate to feel her soft body on mine. 

“I…I c-can't feel you” she murmured, wrapping her hands around my waist. 

A surprise gasp left her lips as I picked her up in bridal style. 

“Y-Your shoulder” She murmured. 

“It's fine” I said. 

I eased her on the bed and looked at her, coldly. 

Her eyes were looking at me softly, lying on the bed. 

I took off my sweater and sweat pants with my boxer. 

My skin shivered even though the air conditioner was turned on. 

I bent down and disrobed her clothes. 

His Mini BearWhere stories live. Discover now