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Ace POV: 

As I struggled to loop my tie around my neck, a muttered curse slipped from my lips, echoing frustration.

The morning has been nothing short of a chaotic mess.

First, I woke up with a boner and I can't even fuck or make love to my Mini. 

Then, to add insult to injury, my secretary calls me with the news that some clients are backing out of deals.

Just what I needed to start the day off.

On top of that, it's the last day to ask Iris to a party, and I still haven't brought it up.

If she saw her surprise then maybe she would come with me,  happily and willingly. 

And as if that wasn't enough, there was an attempted attack on our weapons and drug containers. 

Thankfully, our security team handled it, but it's still a major headache to deal with and I have some fucking loss now! 

The door swung open, and there she was, standing in the doorway with a smile that quickly faded when she saw my irritated expression.

"It's already past 7. What are you doing here?" I asked, tossing my tie onto the bed and running my hands through my hair in frustration.

She was still wearing my shirt and leggings, looking adorable as ever.

"I wanted to give my boyfriend something," she said, coming up behind me as I looked at her reflection in the mirror.

I hummed in response, feeling her hand on my waist as she guided me to sit on the dressing stool while she stood before me.

"Mini, I have to leave at 7:30," I reminded her, glancing at the time.

But she silenced me with a finger against my lips.

Taking the tie from the bed, she wrapped it around my neck and began to tie it.

"I made you your lunchbox. Don't forget to take it with you," she murmured, causing me to nod absentmindedly as my gaze remained fixed on her reflection in the mirror.

She stepped back, standing behind me, and gently cupped my jaw from behind, tilting my head up so our eyes met in the mirror.

A soft smile formed on her lips as her thumb stroked my chin.

"It's okay. Everything will be fine," She said, comfortingly.

I licked my lips nervously as I gazed at my reflection, my mind lost in a whirlwind of thoughts and frustrations.

"Don't anger yourself soo much or you will have gray hairs at this age. I mean you're already in your late twenties," She sighed, making me smile. A bit. 

"I mean I love white hairs. It makes people look more mature and attractive in my eyes," She said, her tone light and playful.

"Especially people with glasses. Uff~" She continued, her enthusiasm contagious as she painted a vivid picture with her words.

I turned around and pulled her into my lap, the warmth of her body a grounding presence amidst the turmoil of my thoughts. 

"What about me?" I asked, my fingers tracing patterns on the fabric of her dress as I sought solace in her warmth.

Thank god, summer already came, I could easily rip off her dresses now. 

Her back straightened as my fingers toyed with the elastic of her panties. 

"You always look handsome in everything," she murmured, her eyes tracing the contours of my face as if savoring every detail.

"Let's go on a date today," I proposed, catching her off guard with the sudden suggestion.

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