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Ace POV:

A black eye peered at me through thick, white glasses, a hint of confusion evident.

Iris quickly moved my hand behind me, concealing the gun.

"Mama!" Iris called out, her voice ringing with affection.

Her small hands clung tightly to the woman's large belly.

"Oh! Baby look at you,"  the woman exclaimed, her gaze softening as she looked at Iris.

Iris's face lit up with a big, beautiful smile.

"Who is he?" the woman asked, her eyes darting suspiciously towards me.

"Mama, it's Ace. Ace, meet Mama Trina," Iris introduced us, her joy apparent.

I nodded in acknowledgment as I took in Trina's appearance. She seemed to be in her late 60s, her demeanor warm yet guarded.

Returning Iris's smile, Trina spoke, "You're friend?" her gaze shifting between Iris and me.

"Mama... uh... he's my..." Iris hesitated, her fingers fidgeting nervously.

Trina's gasp echoed in the room, followed by an intense scrutiny.

Pardon me, didn't just look at me, she freaking scanned me from top to bottom.

"He looks.. too old for you," she said, not bothering that I was standing in front of her.

"Mama..." Iris whined, clearly uncomfortable with the situation, her hand pulling at her dress sleeves.

"Okay, okay, papa wants to meet you," Trina relented, already turning to leave.

With a sense of urgency, Iris locked the door and began to pull me along, god knows where.

As we hurried away, I discreetly tucked my gun behind my back, ensuring it remained hidden and secure.

"We're going to meet Papa Mateo," Iris exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement as she looked at me, bouncing on her toes.

Entering a small room resembling ours, we found an elderly man in his early... seventies, reclining on the bed, absorbed in watching TV.

"Bebé," his voice came out croaky.

"Papa Mateo," Iris greeted him with a bright smile, leaning in to place a tender kiss on his palm.

Did you see anyone getting jealous over an old man?

Me. This man right here is jealous. Unashamed and proud.

"Look, Mateo, Iris has a husband," Trina announced, sending my heart racing with alarm.

"Mama, boyfriend," Iris corrected loudly, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

Trina chuckled and settled herself comfortably beside Mateo, seemingly unfazed by the slip-up.




I found myself perched on the bed beside Mateo, watching cricket highlights yet again.

Meanwhile, Iris and Trina engaged in a lively conversation, covering every topic under the sun, their voices filling the room.

They chose to sit on the floor while Mateo and I occupied the bed. Because it's comfortable for them.

It was 2 in the afternoon and I was stuck with this old man, alone. Ugh...

Because my girl said, "Old people are more fun to talk to".

Suddenly, Mateo's loud cough interrupted my thoughts, followed by a small spurt of saliva.

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