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Iris POV:


"Iris!" Susan exclaimed.

"Susan!" I mimicked her.

She rolled her eyes and walked out of the room with me, both of us grumpy.

"Whoa, whoa, why are you wearing this crap?" he exclaimed, eyeing me up and down with a critical gaze.

"Guys, look, I'm wearing a jacket and shoes. That's enough to keep me warm," I retorted, my tone defensive.

"Principessa (princess) he left us with you so we have to look after you,"  His words were devoid of emotion, but they carried a sense of duty that I couldn't ignore.

"But I like this," I mumbled, pouting.

I was wearing my favorite old high-waisted wide-leg jeans, paired with a simple white shirt and a cozy red cardigan that Ace had gifted me.

I look like a worker from a factory or garage.

"Fine, but if you get cold, make sure to tell the dickhead you're the reason, not us," Alex muttered under his breath.

What did Ace tell them that they fear him like this?

As Hudson and I climbed into the car and set off for the university, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air.

At 7:35 in the morning, I felt overwhelmed by the crowded university campus.

I missed the solitude of online learning that my dad had chosen for me. 

But now, Ace had changed that, making me face the chaos of college life.

Hudson had signed my admission form, making him my guardian.

If I misbehave, the university will call him.

If I bunked or slept in class they would call him. I hate this.

"Earth to you, Iris,"Hudson's stern voice snapped me out of my daze, reminding me of the reality I was facing

"Please," I sighed and pouted, hoping for some leniency, but his response was firm and uncompromising.

"Nada. Not gonna work so get your ass out and behave like a normal teenage girl," he scolded.

Reluctantly, I complied, stepping out of the car and taking in the sight of the sprawling university campus before me. It was the largest I had ever seen. Damn.

Hudson grabbed my wrist, his touch surprisingly delicate as he guided me towards the entrance.

Despite his gruff exterior, there was an underlying sense of care and concern in his actions.

"You're worse than Aiden sometimes," he muttered under his breath, adjusting his posture with a hint of exasperation.

I looked around in shock. Students talking, reading, and laughing everywhere.

They all looked like fresh coconut. White and bright.

As we made our way through the hallways, I couldn't help but notice the curious gazes directed towards Hudson. The shock on some faces was evident.

"People recognize you here?" I inquired, turning to him with interest.

Hudson nodded, his expression remaining impassive. "I'm a rich businessman, so I think they all do," he murmured, his tone subdued.

Understanding his explanation, I nodded in acknowledgment. It made sense that his status would precede him in such an environment.

I couldn't ignore the puzzled looks I received from some of the female students. Their confusion was palpable, leaving me feeling slightly self-conscious.

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