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Iris POV:

Wiping the sweat from my brow, I blinked rapidly as my vision began to blur, each breath feeling like a struggle for air. 

The imposing doors of the mansion swung open before me, revealing a flurry of activity and a long line of cars parked in front of the house.

My legs trembled uncontrollably as I staggered into the house, my breaths coming in ragged gasps. 

I was certain I must have looked like a starving man, desperate and depleted.

Suddenly, Ares appeared before me, his lips moving soundlessly as my ears rang with a deafening roar. 

I couldn't make out his words, my senses overwhelmed by the rush of adrenaline coursing through my veins and the burning sensation in my chest.

With a forceful push, I swung open the entrance door and dragged myself further into the hall, desperation boiling within me. 

"What the fuck!"

Scanning the room, I searched for the one face I had yearned to see for weeks.

"Iris!" Hudson's voice pierced through the haze, his strong grip steadying me as I struggled to remain upright. 

Pushing away his helping hand, I stumbled forward, my movements unsteady and erratic. 

Fumbling through the hallways, I gripped the wall for support, my hands trembling with the effort

Squeezing my eyes shut and then opening them again, I fought against the worsening blur clouding my vision. 

Suddenly, a hand reached out and lifted me up, startling me out of my daze.

"Hey, hey it's okay” a familiar voice soothed, breaking through the chaos of my mind.

Soon the familiar fragrance filled my nostrils.

It was the same comforting fragrance that I slept and woke up to every morning.

The scent that never failed to ease my anxieties..

Numbly, I leaned my head against his shoulder, finding solace in the familiarity of his embrace. 

I trusted the hands that held me securely in the air, anchoring me in this moment of turmoi.

Gradually, I became aware of sitting on something both hard and soft, my head hanging down with a hand supporting my neck. 

A wet sensation touched my lips, and without hesitation, I greedily drank the water, craving its replenishing touch

As the cool liquid flowed down my throat, I felt a semblance of clarity returning, even as my surroundings remained blurry and indistinct. 

Opening my eyes, I blinked through the haze, struggling to make sense of the world around me.

"Mini," his voice reached my ears, and a smile tugged at my lips. 

It was husky but gentle, like a comforting melody in the midst of chaos. 

I closed my eyes briefly before opening them again, willing my vision to clear

This time, I could see his face, his expression etched with concern as he gazed at me intently. 

His brows furrowed, hazel eyes locking onto mine, lips moving in silent murmurs of reassurance.

Raising my trembling hands, I reached out to touch his calloused cheeks gently, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath my fingertips. 

"You're such an idiot. My idiot," he said, his voice tinged with a mixture of frustration and affection.

"Ace," I managed to mutter out finally, my lips curving into a wide smile as I met his gaze.

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