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Iris POV:

I grumbled in annoyance and laid back on the hard bench.

Sleep. I want to sleep.

The teacher abruptly departed the classroom due to an emergency.

It was English class, so most of the students were outside or bunking.

The clock showed that it was 11 in the morning, the time passing painfully slowly.

Ali was I don't know where she is?

Maybe with Edrick Or with her so-called friends.

It became apparent that Ali was avoiding me.

I don't know why and for what.

It's not like I am sad but she helped me through my studies.

Well we were just a hi-bye friends.

She is avoiding me but in a polite way.

If I tried to talk to her she would make an excuse or any reason.


A startled yelp escaped from my mouth and I found myself abruptly sprawled on the tiled floor beneath me.

Startled and disoriented, I lifted my gaze, shooting a sharp glare at whoever called me.

My eyes widened in recognition as I realized it was not who I had initially expected— it was, it was Elijah.

"What are you doing here, Mr. Smurfs?" I inquired, my voice laced with a mixture of curiosity and amusement as I scanned the room briefly.

All the kids were immersed in their phones, a sight that no longer surprised me.

Elijah settled beside me with a relaxed smile.

"Hello there, darling," he greeted me warmly.

"Edrick is here, why did you come?" I blurted out.

"I came here as me because Edrick decided to play another one of his pranks" he explained with a knowing shake of his head.

"You sound like a father figure" I teased.

"Not so soon, darling. I need to find a girl first before that happens," he replied, chuckling.

With a playful grin, I nudged him lightly. "Don't worry, you'll have girls lining up in no time, dude," I remarked.

He reached out to tousle my hair gently, I couldn't help but frown at his response.

"Let's go out and talk," He said casually, looking around.

I responded with a nod and slung the bag over my shoulder.

Because the teacher will not come back that easily after Edrick pulled a prank again.

Students milling around in the hallway stole curious glances at Elijah. Mostly girls.

He was handsome, so handsome for his age.

I wonder how might have Ace looked at his early twenties?

"Are you coming to the party tonight?" He inquired, while lazily propping himself against the railings.

"Yeah,... Unfortunately" I murmured under my breath.

A warm smile graced his lips as he drew me closer, causing my breath to catch in my throat at the sudden closeness.

He leaned down and wrapped his arm snugly around my waist.

"I want to tell you a secret," He whispered softly, his eyes locking onto mine.

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