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Ace POV:


I closed my eyes tightly because of the brightness and opened it again.

The brightness of the hospital room irritated my eyes as I struggled to make sense of my surroundings.

I sat up holding my head.

Glucose and wires were connected to my body.

I hate this shit.

I sighed and calmed my breathing.

How did I come here?

"You're awake," a nurse chirped, her cheeriness contrasting sharply with my confusion and discomfort.

Why the fuck is she happy for?

Then I saw my friends and my Mini coming inside the room.

What the fuck?

"Gosh, you look like shit," Aiden said, smirking.

"So, comforting," I murmured.

"He's all right now, just need to take some rest," The doctor said and left after checking my body.

But Iris went outside with the doctor.

"How did I come here?" I asked, my voice strained.

Hudson adjusted the pillow behind my back.

I looked at him, confused.

"Iris found you lying in the road, beaten up," Alex replied, his tone distant.

"Iris. But she left that time," I replied, drinking water.

"Yeah, but she came back," Liam said.

"So yeah, she saved your ass," Susan said, folding her hand against her chest.

"You know if Iris stayed this time with you. I would have killed her by now, but I guess she's lucky tonight"

Ivan's voice rang in my head, making my throat dry.

"How long have I been in the hospital?" I inquired, trying to grasp the passage of time.

"Two weeks," Felix answered, his voice solemn.

I gulped and stood up from the bed.

"What are you doing, you have to rest," Susan said.

"Why are you all back, suddenly?" I questioned, my tone sharper than intended.

Hudson's response caught me off guard. "Well, a little girl said friends should trust each other through hard times," he said.

"Why did you kill him, "Hudson asked, seriously.

I stayed silent, stretching my sore body.

Then Iris entered with a bowl of porridge, and the room seemed to shift around me.

"Did you eat something?" Susan asked her, her smile genuine.

Why is everyone behaving differently?

"Ace, sit properly," Iris murmured, looking at me softly.

"Get out," I said, emotionlessly.

"Huh," she blurted out, perplexed.

I got up and removed all the drips from my hand. I was in pain.

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