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Ivan POV:

"So you're telling me these are all for... Iris?" I asked, my voice laced with disbelief as I surveyed the impressive collection of clothing spread out before us.

Ace barely glanced at me, his face impassive and devoid of any readable emotion.

Without a word, he continued to sift through the dresses, his movements precise and methodical.

Earlier, Ace had handed me a list, instructing me to purchase every item on it.

The list was extensive, and it included a variety of items: 20 vintage dresses, 5 different types of jeans, 10 shirts, skirts, and tops, 10 undergarment sets, 5 accessories for reasons unknown to me, and several other miscellaneous items typically associated with a woman's wardrobe.

I watched in confusion as the maids meticulously displayed each dress to Ace, awaiting his approval.

His attention to detail was almost obsessive, as if every stitch and fabric choice mattered immensely to him.

He's behaving weird.

Ace Salvatore, known for his ruthlessness and cold demeanor, was suddenly immersed in the world of women's fashion, selecting clothes with an intensity that was both surprising and unsettling.

"Do you think these will suit her?" Ace asked, his voice finally breaking the silence as he held up a delicate vintage dress, examining it closely.

I shrugged, still trying to wrap my head around the situation. "Yeah, I guess so. But... what's the occasion?"

Ace's gaze shifted to me, his eyes intense and unwavering. "I wanted to spend my money, so I thought why not buy her some things."

I stood there, watching as Ace continued to go through the items with a determination that left me speechless.

The cold, calculating mafia leader was showing a side of himself that was almost... human. And it was all for Iris.

As Ace handed me another list, detailing further items to be acquired, I couldn't help but feel a newfound side for him.

As I took the list and headed out to fulfill his requests, I realized that this was just the beginning.

Iris POV:

I was overwhelmed with a swirl of emotions—confusion and happiness battled within me as I tried to make sense of everything.

Ace had said he would be my husband, but I couldn't quite understand why he liked me.

The man I knew years ago seemed so different from who he was now.

He had transformed into someone so much more complex and dangerous, far removed from the person I used to know.

And yet, despite his dangerous persona, his touch sent shivers down my spine. It felt electrifying in a way that I couldn't quite explain. It was confusing and pleasurable all at once.

Then there was Athena. If Ace didn't have feelings for her, why did she lash out at me so harshly?

Liam had mentioned to Hudson that Athena was merely a fling.

Mom always told me that only my husband should touch me, and that if anyone else did, it was a bad thing.

But when Ace touched me, my body didn't react with the negativity I had been taught to expect. Instead, it felt strangely pleasant, almost like a revelation.

God, I am confused.

The events of yesterday had been particularly perplexing. What happened in the bathroom was something I couldn't easily shake from my mind.

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