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Iris POV:

I hummed softly and rolled over in bed, feeling the warmth of the blankets around me.

My eyes fluttered open to darkness surrounding me.

I squinted against the dim light filtering through the curtains and let out a deep breath, trying to wake myself up fully.

Glancing around sleepily, I took in my surroundings.

"AAAH!" A startled scream burst from my lips.

I crawled back against the headboard, clutching the blanket around my bare form.

My chest heaved as my pounding heart raced.

"Mini..."His voice echoed in the stillness.

"Ace," I whispered, casting a wary glance his way.

He leaned nonchalantly against a table in front of the bed.

Only a casual sweatpant clung to his hips, a lit cigarette dangling from his lips.

Because of the darkness, I couldn't see his face clearly.

"What time is it?" I asked, clutching the sheets tightly around me.

I was just wearing a skirt.

"2 in the morning," he replied huskily.

I gulped and hurriedly got out of bed, my hands instinctively covering my chest as I scanned the room.

Where is my shirt?

"What happened?" he asked.

"I... um... I need to go to the bathroom," I stammered nervously, throwing the shirt over my body.

"Don't go there," he said firmly, not budging from his spot.

I looked at him, puzzled by his warning.

What is there?

"Why," I questioned, my curiosity getting the better of me as I found myself moving towards the bathroom door.

I hesitated briefly before opening the door.

My breath caught in my throat when I stepped into the bathroom.

There was blood on the sink, and droplets stained the glass walls of the shower. His clothes in the hamper were speckled with mud and blood.

"Mini, don't look," he murmured softly.

I quickly closed the door, feeling my hands tremble with fear.

He stood straighter, while I hurried back to the bed, wrapping myself tightly in the blanket.

I focused on the blanket, unable to bring myself to look at him. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself.

It's okay, it's okay.

My eyes burned with tears, and my chest tightened with anxiety as I sat on the bed, hands trembling beneath the blanket.

"Babe, please don't cry," he said softly, emerging from the darkness.

His hair covered his eyes, his body looked hard, the carved ink on his body bulging as he breathed.

He looked dangerous.

"A man was annoying me so much. So, I killed him," he explained, his voice measured as he rubbed his temple.

"I wanted to see you, hear your voice. So, I came as soon as I could, but you were already asleep. I freshened up and forgot to clean off the blood." He returned to lean against the table, his posture tense.

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