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Ace POV:

What the fuck is she doing here?

Iris, trembling with fear, instinctively closed her legs and began to push me away. Her eyes were wide with a mix of panic and confusion.

I could feel the rapid beat of her heart against my fingers as I gripped her hips gently, trying to offer some semblance of comfort.

She stopped moving, her body tensing up as she fisted the sheets tightly, gasping softly.

I glanced over and saw Athena staring at us with a look of disgust. Fucking bitch.

My anger flared, and without a second thought, I got up, dragged Athena outside of my room, and threw her out, slamming the door in her face.

The sheer rage coursing through me was barely containable.

I couldn't believe I hadn't heard the door creak open? Fuck me.

When I turned back to Iris, she was pressing herself against the headboard in fear. Her form was practically naked, save for a disheveled frock that barely clung to her hips.

I released a deep sigh, running a hand through my hair in frustration.

I sat beside her and gently took off her blindfold. She flinched hard, her eyes wet with unshed tears.

"W-Who was--" she began, but I interrupted her, pressing a finger against her trembling lips.

"Sh... It's okay... it was no one," I murmured, adjusting her messy braid with a tenderness I didn't know I possessed. "Sleep, Bambi," I added, kissing her forehead softly.

She hurriedly wore her dress, covering herself, and I could see the fear still lingering in her eyes. I got up, ready to kill Athena, my anger barely in check.

But just as I was about to storm out, Iris's voice stopped me in my tracks.

"Ace," she said softly, her tone carrying a strange, indescribable warmth that made me freeze.

It wasn't just the sound of her voice but the way she called my name that tugged at something deep within me.

When I looked back, her eyes were looking at me warmly, and it made my heart clench.

"You're not...s-sleeping?" she asked, her eyes glancing to the left side of the bed and then back at me.

My heart started to beat faster, and I gulped, feeling an unfamiliar warmth spread through me. I hovered over her lazily, without any hurry, savoring the moment.

As I got face to face with her, I kissed her jaw, her neck, and the corner of her lips. She closed her eyes like a child being soothed to sleep.

I chuckled softly and laid my head on her chest, sighing deeply. Her heartbeat pounded against her chest. "I thought you don't like to sleep with me," I muttered, kissing her neck.

"You l-look so tired," she whispered, staring at the ceiling, her cheeks and neck warm with a blush.

I was taken aback by her response, unsure whether to be confused or deeply touched. I had expected her to either refuse or blush and retreat, but she remained open, caring, and sincere.

I found myself gazing at her with a mix of bewilderment and affection. Why is she so nice?

I kissed her cheeks tenderly and settled beside her, pulling her closer into my embrace.

"Goodnight, Bambi," I murmured.


Seducing. The sight is seducing.

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