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Ace POV:

I closed my eyes, a deep sigh escaping my lips as I grappled with the ache pulsing between my legs.

I shifted, attempting to find some relief from the throbbing hardness nestled there.

"King, are you okay," Ares inquired, his brow furrowed with concern.

I responded with a curt nod, my demeanor cool and distant as I focused on the task at hand – checking the form thoroughly, her college admission, that Ares had handed me.

I handed him back a list and watched as he nodded in understanding before departing.

Once alone, I couldn't shake the images from this morning from my mind – her naked form, fresh and clean, behind the steamed glass of the shower. Her shaved pussy, plump and inviting, taunting me with its allure.

And I succumbed to its call, eagerly sliding my tongue between her slick lips and tasting the sweet essence of her arousal.

Which I did. Proudly.

I groaned and rose from my seat, the frustration evident in the sound escaping my lips. 

Despite my efforts, I found myself unable to banish the image that had firmly entrenched itself in my mind.

With a shake of my head, I attempted to clear my thoughts, Yet, try as I might, they stubbornly persisted, refusing to be ignored.

"Ace," I saw Hudson leaning against the door, a smirk playing on his lips as he observed me.

"Told you having a young girl in the house will be painful," he said, his tone teasing and mocking.

Before I could respond, he continued with a statement that made me deadpan.

"It is evident, perfectly," he said, patting my shoulder with an air of mock sympathy and smirking as if he had just confirmed some long-held suspicion.

I rolled my eyes at his antics, not in the mood for his jokes.

"Hud, I want you to sign on some forms," I said, my tone more serious now, handing him the documents that were resting on the table.

He frowned, looking at the papers in confusion. "College admission," he said, his brows furrowing in bewilderment.

"Yes, for Mini," I replied, leaning against the table, my expression solemn.

"Why couldn't you have signed this? Why me?" Hudson asked, genuinely puzzled.

"I don't want people to know that's why," I replied, my voice devoid of emotion, a hint of secrecy laced in my words.

"Or maybe you're afraid she will make you her father," Hudson said, chuckling lightly, his eyes glinting mischievously.

He signed the form, his expression thoughtful as he glanced at the details and handed it back to me.

"B.A. English Literature," Hudson murmured, contemplating.

I nodded in acknowledgment and sighed.

"Did she know about this?" Hudson asked me, his tone suddenly colder, betraying a hint of concern or suspicion.

"No, not yet," I replied, my mind already anticipating the conversation that lay ahead.

He sighed and nodded, understanding the delicate situation.

"Meet you in the evening," he said, his tone shifting back to normal as he prepared to leave.

With Hudson gone, I turned my attention back to the tasks at hand, determined to complete my work and meetings as efficiently as possible.

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