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Ace POV:

Ivan gave me details about her when I came office but everything was clear about her. surname, No parents, One brother who's no longer contact her, working 2-3 small paying jobs and living with her roommate in a shitty hostel.

"Looks like I saved her innocent ass", I tsked.

Ivan shrugged his shoulder.

"I think so boss, but still we have to be always careful", Ivan said.

"I don't think she even know how to live in the outside world," I throwed the files on the table and started to work.

As I arrived at my mansion after work and the whole house was different.

There was flower vases, smell of fucking cookies and food. What the hell!

"Melinda!!!" I yelled as she came running from the kitchen, hurriedly.

"What the fuck is going on here! do you think this is some park that you put flower's and shit or do you think this is your house? Answer me goddamn it!! ", I yelled.

Her head hung low as her body trembled.

I hate flower's inside the house, it just angers me and the house it looks so freaking gloomy. I fucking hate it.

"Sorry b-boss...but the new girl s-said you told her to clean...t-the whole house, so I didn't said anything", she said stammering.

"Where is she now!", I asked, fisting my hands.

"In your room, boss", she whispered

I marched to my room ready to fucking kill her tonight.


I opened the door forcely and saw her standing beside the wardrobe, stunned.

She looked at me with fear as I marched towards her angrily.

"Do you think it's your house! Your a fucking maid here, So! behave like it, you bitch. Just because I talked a little soft doesn't mean you behave like a bitch! ", My voice was laced with frustration and anger.

I fisted her hair and pulled her up.

"DO. YOU. UNDERSTAND", I uttered, emphasizing my words.

She looked up at me, her eyes were wet and red of course she would be crying.

I pulled her up by her hair not much, just enough close that I was looking at her eyes.

And that time I noticed her eyes were brown.

Not just a brown but it was mesmerizing like an eclipse of the sun, under the dim yellow lights.

Her sobbing sounds echoed in the room. Her little body was trembling in fear.

I wanted to leave her but her eyes were forcing me to gaze at them again and again it was.. calming, peaceful.

My eyes roamed at her face, observing her little features.

"S-Sir it hurt.s I am sorry..I-I-I will not do it again", she let out a whimper in pain.

She looked down and our eye contact broke. Her voice was so low, if were not standing like this I wouldn't have heard her.

"Get out", I said coldly and left her hair.

She backed away in fear and ran out of the room, immediately.

Author's POV:

Ace was fuming with anger as his eyes roamed around his room.

Flowers on the vase, pictures hanging on the wall. It angered him more instead on calming him.

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