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Ace POV:

I rubbed my forehead, sighing deeply.

"You're not?" Aiden asked, his voice devoid of any discernible emotion.

"I kill people," I said, letting out a bitter snort, my frustration bubbling to the surface. "But I don't have preferences like only killing girls or only killing boys. That's not how I operate."

"Okay, but it involves blood," Su mumbled, her voice barely audible as she expressed her concern.

I clenched my jaw, trying to keep my irritation in check.

"It's not me," I said firmly, hoping to put an end to the doubt.

"That's comforting to hear," Felix said with a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood.

Recently, there had been a series of gruesome killings.

College girls from wealthy families had gone missing, only to be found brutally murdered, their body parts dismantled and scattered across the streets, left for animals to devour. 

"Ace!!!!!" Iris's voice rang out, loud and cheerful, cutting through the grim atmosphere as she burst into the room.

"Sugarbun, we're still in the middle of something important. Go outside and play," Su said coldly.

"I found it!" Iris exclaimed, holding up her bubble gun with a triumphant grin, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she sprayed bubbles into the air, her face lighting up with a brightness that seemed almost too pure for the current situation. Fuck my faith.

"Iris, is there a cotton flower in the garden?" Aiden asked, his tone shifting to a more neutral one, trying to divert her attention.

"Really?" she asked, her curiosity piqued, her attention now fully diverted from the bubble gun.

"Hm-Mm. Go and find it," Aiden said, his voice gentle yet firm, and she darted out of the room.

"Okay, back to business," Aiden said, his face hardening into a mask of concentration.

"If it wasn't you, then who's behind these killings?" Liam asked, his voice steady but laced with underlying confusion.

I shrugged my shoulders. "That's none of our business right now. Did you find out anything about Elijah?"

"Yes," Liam replied, his tone serious. "But the information we found was pretty useless, not offering any concrete leads."

I frowned, nodding in acknowledgment of the dead end. "How about Jenna? Did you find anything there?"

"I looked into her too, but there's nothing useful. Her entire family's records are clean except for Elijah," Liam said, his frustration evident.

I leaned my head back on the chair, sighing.

"Antonio's caused us problems with our business, but is it really worth digging into his family's history?" Leo asked.

"He's trying to take our tenders and clients, but honestly, he's not worth the effort," he added.

"Oh! Yeah! This asshole punched his jaw, and he won't just walk away like a pussy. He will do anything and Antonio is not a saint" Hudson said, sarcasm dripping from his voice, his disdain for Antonio evident.

I rolled my eyes at his words. Dickhead.

"Iris's only friend is Elijah, and now knowing he spent time in a mental asylum, it's unsettling to think about." I said.

The others nodded, their expressions mirroring my concern and unease.

"Maybe you could ask Jenna, but indirectly," Felix suggested cautiously, his eyes flickering with a hint of an idea.

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